Page 64 of Despair
“Hi, folks,” he said. “My name is Axel. I’m with the CCFD. I’m off duty, though. We need to call the local department about the fire.”
“It’s done,” said the man, scratching his long beard. “Are they okay? What happened?”
The old lady’s eyes narrowed. “I always knew there was something off about that man over the road. He didn’t treat that girl right. No sir.”
“And the state of that yard?” The man shook his head.
“Thank you for your help and hospitality,” Axel said. “We’ll be out of your hair as soon as we can.” Sirens in the distance carried. “Looks like the locals are here. They’ll put the fire out, but until then, it’s best you stay safe here on the porch.”
They nodded to him.
“You need anything else? Food?” the woman asked.
A cell phone rang from somewhere. Axel frowned and scanned the yard to see Daisy pull hers out and answer. He turned back to the couple and answered their question. “I’ll let you know. Thank you again.”
“Suppose we’re lucky we ain’t so bad as the city folk right now.”
“Mm,” his wife agreed.
They continued talking quietly amongst themselves as Axel jogged down the steps to Daisy’s side, tensing as he passed Lilo with her face buried in her hands sobbing and Grace and Misha trying to console her. Daisy must have told her about the state of her husband.
“They’re all alive and fairly well,” Daisy said into the handset. “I’ll put her on.”
Daisy held the cell out to Misha. “It’s Wyatt.”
Misha shot a guilty look at Lilo, but then the moment she put the handset to her ear she burst into tears. Daisy spoke up so everyone could hear.
“They couldn’t track down a helicopter, but their boat has landed on the mainland. They should be here in fifteen.”
“Do you think that’s wise?” Joe said, folding his arms. “I mean, all of us in one place at the same time. It can’t be a coincidence the house set on fire the moment you arrived.”
“How did you know we were here?” Bailey asked.
“Daisy had a feeling,” Axel answered.
“A feeling.” Max’s brow went up.
Axel could see the suspicion in his eyes and shut it down immediately. “She used to live here. Her suspicion had nothing to do with you all. It was sheer luck that we happened across you. Your family has been searching night and day for you, and with the city bridges blown—”
“All of them?” gasped Bailey.
He nodded. “Every access into the city has been destroyed. Replicates have been deployed. Faithful still loyal to the Syndicate are wreaking havoc.”
“And you,” Joe said, turning the full force of his gaze on Axel. The intimidation in his stance would set criminals weak at the knees. “Who exactly are you?” He glanced between Daisy and Axel. “It seems like you two are comfortable with each other. More than I would expect after meeting only days ago… I’m assuming.”
Axel fidgeted under the scrutiny.
“You assume right. I was one of the Faithful—”
“Was being the operative word,” Daisy interrupted and glared as she came to stand by his side.
No matter who they were, what they meant to her siblings, she was with Axel. He put his arm around her shoulder. And he was with her.
The fire department and police arrived at the same time as the Lazarus family. Cars, trucks and motorcycles filled the small street, giving the neighbors something else to gossip about. Before a black SUV rolled to a stop, the door opened and out ran Sloan. She quickly gathered her footing and went straight for her husband, almost bowling him over with the force of her hug.
Axel and Daisy stood aside as the rest of the family arrived, all coming from various vehicles. They’d taken the journey across the river. He searched for Elena, just in case, but was glad to see her missing. As were Flint, Mary, and possibly Alice. With any luck, they were back at Lazarus House, keeping an eye on the extended family staying there.
Tony, looking gaunt and tired, found Bailey and studiously checked her for injury before slamming his lips on hers. Evan was by Grace’s side in an instant, pulling her into his tattooed arms. Joe and Liza embraced. Tears burned the back of Axel’s eyes at the emotional scene, and he cleared his throat.