Page 66 of Despair
Daisy hada surreal out of body experience. From the big family group hug to the way she was included in conversation on the journey back into Cardinal City, to the responsibility she was given as bodyguard to Lilo on the boat ride and consequent car ride home.
This love, this acceptance, it felt too good to be true.
She was still floating on this cloud when she returned with Axel to Mary and Flint’s apartment to check on Elena. He was covered in soot and sweat like her, but he insisted on touching base with his sister first.
The moment they entered the apartment, they knew something was wrong. Mary’s face remained hard, even when Misha ran in to reunite with her baby. The joyous occasion, seeing Amari squeal and kick her baby legs, should have brought a smile to anyone’s eyes.
But not Mary.
And when her gaze landed on Axel, Daisy knew why. Something was wrong with Elena. In what felt like slow motion, Axel’s hand slipped from hers as he came to the same conclusion. His face paled. His expression dropped.
“She didn’t wake up,” Mary explained quietly.
“She’s dead?” he blurted.
Axel’s breath started coming in hard and fast. His broad chest heaved. He swallowed. “Where is she?”
Without a second glance at Daisy, he rushed down the hall to the bedroom Elena occupied and disappeared into a room.
“What happened?” Daisy breathed to Mary.
“I don’t know, mija,” she replied. This time, the term of endearment didn’t feel wrong. Mary’s eyes were bleak and full of pain. “Elena said she was tired and went to have a nap, but when she didn’t come out for a meal, Alek went in to see if she was okay. He couldn’t rouse her.”
“How long ago?”
“Maybe three hours.”
“A doctor?”
“We can’t get one in.”
Shit. “Grace?”
Mary nodded. “Flint is asking Evan to pass on the message. I think Grace is down to check on Griffin with Lilo, and then she said she would be up.”
Daisy shook her head. “Grace needs to rest at some point too.”
Mary’s sharp eyes studied Daisy. “And you. I see the blood in your nostril. What happened?”
Daisy wiped her nose again, but no more blood came out. She considered changing the subject but instead blurted everything out. Mary had a way about her that, at the start, Daisy had seen as overpowering, but now associated it as coming from a true place of concern. When she was done with her story, Mary’s gaze softened and she trailed her fingers down Daisy’s ponytail, brushing the strands as she made them settle over Daisy’s shoulder.
“You did it, mija. Just like I knew you would. You’re becoming the leader this family needs.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You followed your instincts. You didn’t leave the house, even when Axel wanted you to.”
“It wasn’t like he knew at the time. And as soon as he found out, he was the one who took the lead rescuing them. Without him, I’d have failed.”
“Your mates are very important,” she said, nodding. “They’re imperative to your survival, both mental and physical.”
Daisy’s chest constricted and she glanced down the hallway Axel had gone. She took a step and then stopped.
“Should I—” Daisy met Mary’s eyes, not knowing what to do.