Page 84 of Despair
“All of them?” Liza gaped, and then raised her voice. “AIMI, show us CCTV footage from random cameras at busy spots around the city.”
One by one the screens flicked over. People were attacking people.
“What the fuck?” Wyatt growled, his eyes wide.
“It must be the greed serum,” Griffin said. “But how has it infected everyone?”
“Air?” Sloan asked, frowning. “Or—”
“Water supply,” multiple voices said in unison.
“Shit,” Parker cursed. “AIMI, broadcast to the entire building not to drink from the faucets, and not to go outside. Close-filter air back through the building, just in case. And—” His face paled. He looked up suddenly, eyes wide. “Alice went to check on the Sinners because they weren’t answering her calls. I have to get down there.” He went to leave, but Evan stopped him with a question in his eyes.
Parker scrubbed his beard with his good hand before returning his gaze to Grace. “Do it. Set up a roster so that over the next twenty-four hours, we each donate blood to Daisy. She’s our sister, a Lazarus, and we won’t let her quit.” He snarled, his fangs elongated, and his claws distended from his fingertips—one metal set, one natural. “Everyone else, split up and do what you can to contain the replicates. Put them down as quickly as possible.”
“What about the infected civilians?” Tony asked.
“Don’t hurt them,” Griffin pleaded. “As long as they’ve had a mild dose, the serum will wear off. Doppenger only turned into a beast when he overdosed.”
“Go,” Parker said to everyone. “Wyatt, you donate first. Everyone else keep your communicator watches on and your lines open in the suits. Be ready to come back for your shift. Coming home will also serve as a chance for us to reset our balance before heading out again into the streets. Keep an eye on your tattoos.”
“And if we come across Julius?” Liza asked, lifting her chin.
“If he’s dumb enough to show his face, take him down. For Daisy.”
“For Daisy,” they all echoed.