Page 27 of Blurred Lines
Landon stood in the doorway, watching his mom, the fireplace on, the lights low, and everything silent.
He was a shitty son, always putting his mom through grief because of what he did and how he acted. He leaned against the doorframe, and the wood creaked. His mom glanced up from her book and looked over at him.
She smiled, and despite the fact he wasn’t a good son, she genuinely looked happy to see him.
“Hey, sweetheart.” She set the book down and sat up on the couch more, the blanket on her legs rising up, her feet peeking out from the bottom. “Come sit next to me for a few minutes.”
He pushed off the doorframe and walked into the living room. Once he was on the couch beside her, he watched the fire.
It was electric, so there was no crackling of wood as the flames licked across them, and he wished there was, because the silence was deafening.
“You okay?” she asked, and he scrubbed a hand over his face. For a long time he’d wanted to talk to her, to apologize, try to find a reason why he acted the way he did, but he never had the balls, so to speak, to talk to her about any of it.
He’d always closed himself off, kept himself boxed off from the world, and let his mother see him as this worthless asshole.
She doesn’t think that about you.
A little voice in him said over and over again, and of course he knew she loved him, but he also saw the disappointment in her face more times than not. Looking over at her, he just said what he should have said a long time ago.
“I’m sorry for being a disappointment, for always getting into trouble, and for making your life hell, Mom.”
Her eyes widened, the shock on her face clear. No doubt she was surprised as fuck that he’d just said that.
He didn’t know what it was about right now that made him be a man, a decent son, and actually say that to his mom.
Maybe it was because he felt his emotions flood open because of Lyric, or maybe he was just so damn tired of the life he was leading, and keeping the people he cared about at a distance?
He felt his mom place her hand on his, and he glanced over at her, not realizing he’d been looking at the floor.
“You’re not a disappointment, Landon. I love you, no matter what you do or how much trouble you get into.” She smiled softly, and gave his hand a squeeze. “I don’t know what’s gotten you to open up, but it’s nice talking to you again.”
He nodded once, not sure what to say after that.
“And you don’t make my life hell, honey. I won’t pretend to understand the things you do, but never think you’re a disappointment to me.”
“I know you think I became like this because Dad left, or became worse, but that’s not why.”
“No?” she asked.
He shook his head, breathing out. “I won’t lie and say him leaving us didn’t piss me off, and I used that rage for selfish, destructive purposes, but I already had that anger in me.”
“And the boxing helps you,” she stated without forming it like a question.
He nodded again. “Yeah, it’s my outlet. It gives me stability, makes me level. Maybe you’ll never know what I mean—”
“I understand, Landon.” She smiled again.
He smiled back. They sat there for several minutes, not speaking, just watching the fire. Soon the sound of someone coming down the stairs became louder, and he looked over his shoulder to see Brent standing in the doorway.
“You ready for bed, love?” He was looking at Landon’s mom.
His mother still had her hand on his, and she gave it a pat. “You want to talk more?”
He shook his head. “Nah, I think I should go to bed, too. I’m working out in the morning.”
“Okay, honey, but I’m always here if you want to talk. In fact I hope you and I can do it more often.” She gave one more pat to his hand, and then stood.
He watched her and Brent leave, and before his stepdad ascended the stairs he looked over at Landon and smiled.
Landon wished he were a better person to them, because they were incredible to him, his faults and all.
The next day
Lyric had this funny feeling inside of her, and tightened her hand on her bag as she left homeroom and made her way to her locker.
The weekend had been pretty incredible with Landon, and she had the soreness to prove it, but that funniness she felt wasn’t because of Landon.
As soon as she’d arrived at school all she’d been able to think about was Devon, and what would happen. Would he be in school today?
Would he remember what he’d tried to do to her, or was he too drunk? Would he go after Landon because of it?