Page 29 of Blurred Lines
Seeing Devon close to Lyric, using his body to push her against the lockers, had everything in Landon turning red with anger.
Devon turned around and snarled. “I’m going to beat your ass,” Devon said right before he turned away from Lyric and came barreling toward Landon.
Devon was a big guy, a football player for the school, and a total asshole. Devon swung out, but Landon was ready. He ducked and slammed his fist into Devon’s gut. Devon grunted out, stood upright again, and looked at Lyric.
“You don’t fucking look at her,” Landon growled out. If this fucker wanted to go a round, Landon was more than ready to kick his ass once and for all.
Lyric saw Landon’s mouth moving, saw his face become red from his anger, and knew the fight that was happening would not end well. Landon and Devon were kind of similar in size, although Landon was more muscular.
If Devon didn’t know Landon boxed than he’d find out soon enough that he was no match.
All she could hear was the sound of her heart beating in her ears, and as much as she wanted to stop this from happening, she was frozen in place.
And then the two started really going at it. Landon didn’t take the punches that Devon was throwing, and everything escalated quickly, so fast she couldn’t even think straight. Should she get help?
She didn’t want Landon getting in trouble, but then again she wanted Devon to hurt, to feel what it was like to be brought down to the ground.
She moved to the side when they went to the ground, both of them throwing hits now, blood coming from Devon’s nose and mouth, and the testosterone in the air suffocating her, covering her.
People started coming out of the classrooms from the sound of the guys fighting, the students gasping, some getting their phones out to take pictures and videos, and teachers shouting for them to stop.
“Holy shit,” one student said.
Devon and Landon were now standing, and Landon was going to town on Devon, throwing punches at his stomach and kidneys.
“Damn, Landon knows what he’s doing,” another person said.
Devon got a shot in to Landon’s side, but Landon didn’t even flinch.
“Landon’s a beast,” another student said.
“Stop,” Lyric whispered, finally finding her voice, but her throat was tight, her head fuzzy, and everything around her seemed like it was slow motion. She had to stop this, had to defuse it. “Stop,” Lyric said louder.
The guys didn’t stop though, and as Devon grunted and cursed at Landon, swung out, his anger making him sloppy, uncoordinated, all she could do was watch in horror.
She pushed past her shock and moved toward them. It was stupid, and she knew that she could get hurt, but she didn’t want Landon going to jail, which was a big possibility since this had escalated so quickly, and he was an adult.
“Landon, stop, please. He’s not worth it.”
They turned from her, still swinging, still grappling, and then Devon turned his focus on her. He looked like a monster right then, his face a mask of distortion and anger.
He reached out and grabbed her by the hair, yanked her forward, and then tossed her against the lockers hard enough that her head cracked back on the metal and she gasped out in pain. The side of her face had made contact, as well, and she felt the instant throbbing and heat.
“Oh my God,” someone said.
“He just knocked her around like a ragdoll,” someone else yelled.
She shook her head, and looked at Landon. He was staring at her, his eyes hard, this frigid expression on his face having her hold her breath. A few girls came over to her, making sure she was okay.
She stood, dizzy, but told them she was fine and moved away from them. Lyric placed a hand on the side of her face, felt the tenderness, but couldn’t take her focus off Landon.
He was standing still, looking at Devon, and she knew he was about to end this.
“You fucking hurt her,” was all Landon said before he charged forward and slammed his body into Devon’s. They crashed into the lockers, and Lyric jumped back, having to brace herself on the wall because she was still a little lightheaded.
A few of the girls screamed because there was so much violence coming from Landon. She turned her head, everything going slower and slower as she watched the guy she was falling in love with bring his arm back.
She parted her lips just as he swung out and punched Devon so hard in the side of the face his head cracked back. Landon moved back and Devon fell to the floor, groaning, cupping his head.
“You even look at her and I’ll make sure you can’t ever walk straight again.”
Several people moved away from Landon, but he was already moving toward her. He cupped the side of her face that didn’t hurt, his gaze scanning her, making sure she was okay.