Page 3 of Blurred Lines
“Lead the way.”
She turned, breathed out, and had no damn clue where exactly she was supposed to lead them to.
Landon hadn’t always been this way, hadn’t always had this chip on his shoulder, this attitude toward the world.
Maybe it was because his dad just up and left them, just decided they weren’t worth it anymore. Whatever the reason, this was who he was now, and he knew he wouldn’t change.
Fighting, not backing down when danger was right in his face, made him feel alive, feel like he had something to work for. It wasn’t like he wanted the pain, or needed it, to feel good about himself. Hell, the pain fucking sucked, but he still wouldn’t stop doing what he was doing, not for anyone.
They could take it or leave it, but either way he didn’t give a fuck.
His mom had always been there for him, always tried to help him, tried to understand why he was this way. And yeah, a part of him did feel like a piece of shit for putting her through this grief.
Even Brent, his stepfather, was a good and decent man. But Landon didn’t want or need a new dad, and he didn’t need anyone sitting down and talking with him on what his problem was and how could they fix him. He couldn’t be fixed.
He didn’t want to be.
They had been driving for the last ten minutes, away from home and school, but he was cool with that. He didn’t want to go back anyway. He wanted to beat Devon’s ass and knock him out so he’d quit running his mouth.
He’d done well with not at least bitch slapping the little punk, but he was hanging on by a thread.
The fact he got into a lot of shit wasn’t because he wanted to cause his mom or Brent grief. It was just the way he dealt with things. In fact, he probably would have beaten the fuck out of Devon if Lyric hadn’t shown up.
And then when Devon had almost touched Lyric… Landon curled his hands into fists at that thought. He didn’t want that motherfucker touching her.
He looked over at her and felt this tightening in his gut. Her long, light brown hair was blowing around her shoulders from the wind coming through the partially open window. After another twenty minutes she pulled into a drive-through.
“Chocolate or vanilla?” she asked.
“For a milkshake. Do you want chocolate or vanilla?”
“Chocolate, I guess.”
She smiled, and something in him tightened at the sight. After they got the shakes she was driving again, and as soon as she pulled onto the dirt road he knew she was heading toward the creek. It was a small, secluded area, where this wide creek ran that separated their town with the next.
A lot of parties were held here, but during the week it was quiet, with hardly anyone showing up.
She pulled to a stop and cut the engine, and for a second she sat there drinking her shake. He had yet to touch his, but he wasn’t into it right now.
“I paid for that, you know.”
He glanced at her, and felt his lips quirk at her tone. “Is that a subtle way of saying drink the fucking thing?”
She turned her head and smiled. “It’s my not so subtle way of saying drink the fucking thing.”
He chuckled, and it had been too damn long since he’d laughed. He took a long drink from the straw and stared out the front windshield.
“I have only been up here once, and it wasn’t a time I care to think about that often.”
He was curious what she meant, but he wasn’t about to pry. “But you want to come up here now?” he asked, being honest, and not trying to be a dick about it. She was silent for several seconds, but then glanced over at him.
“It’s quiet. I knew the chances of seeing anyone here at this time was pretty slim, and the view of the next town is pretty incredible.” She got out of the car before he could respond, and he sat there a moment just watching her walk over to the creek.
Landon climbed out, his shake in hand, and went over to where she stood. This place was pretty picturesque, but because of all the parties here there was also trash scattered along the ground. Empty beer bottles and even used condoms could be seen.
“It’s a shame they can’t clean up after themselves,” she said softly.
“People are assholes,” Landon stated honestly.
She chuckled softly. “They can be.” They stood there silently for several more seconds, and then she breathed out and faced him fully.
Landon looked down at her. Lyric was so short compared to him, so small and feminine. She pushed her hair off her shoulder, and he couldn’t help but track the movement.