Page 33 of Blurred Lines
He kept his body in front of her as they made their way out of the backroom, and she was led to a seat in front of the ring, right in Landon’s corner, and where he could see her clearly.
The chanting and female screams filled Lyric’s head. Landon was wanted, no doubt about that, but she wasn’t jealous that these women desired him.
It actually made her feel this surge of power that they wanted him so much, but would never have him. Lyric and Landon were dedicated to each other, and none of these bitches would ever come between them. No one would ever push them apart.
The other boxer stepped into the ring, and as the referee did his thing, said the shit he always said before the guys started slamming into each other, the guys knocked gloves together. Then the bell rang, and she was on the edge of her seat watching how this would go down.
The crowd went even wilder. The focus on Landon’s face was so controlled, so intense, that she felt everything in her tighten and become even more alert. She always felt this way when he fought.
Not only was she nervous and frightened, despite the fact he could kick some ass, she grew aroused by the fights.
Just seeing him go on the defense, but then come back swinging and laying into the other boxer, had the feminine part of her, the part that only Landon could evoke, rise up and appreciate all of this.
The first round went by, and then the second and third. At the end of the third round the bell rang and the boxers went to their corners.
Landon was getting a cut on his cheek tended to, but he looked over his shoulder at where she sat, locked gazes with hers, and her heart started beating faster.
For a moment, just one second it was like there was nothing separating them, not space, not time, or even a damn ring. Nothing. They were the only two people here, experiencing this.
The noises faded away, and the only thing she could hear was the sound of her beating heart pounding in her ears.
And then the bell rang for the fourth round to start. Landon winked at her before standing and meeting the boxer in the center of the ring.
They fought, dodged hits, slammed their gloved fists into each other, and all the while all Lyric could focus on was Landon, her man, her boxer.
The other fighter came after Landon and swung out, but Landon moved out of the way, and ducked before it connected. He started hitting jabs into the other man’s stomach, and the boxer stumbled away from Landon.
The focus and concentration were always present when he was boxing, what kept him controlled.
Everyone seemed to grow even wilder, shouting, screaming for more. The air stilled for only a millisecond before the expression on Landon’s face changed. This was the end, and he was focusing everything into this one moment.
Lyric felt lightheaded as she saw all the blood covering their faces and even chests. The emotions moving through her were intense, but they were real and all for Landon.
And then with one deadly uppercut Landon knocked the other boxer out. After that everything else was a wave of sensation and activity. She was grabbed under the arm by Hector, and led away from the ring, up the stairs, and back outside.
She saw her car, knew how this worked, and already had her keys out. Landon would be coming out shortly. He never lingered after these fights. He got paid, grabbed his shit, and then he was out.
She got into her car, and smiled at Hector, to which he nodded once in return. It didn’t take long before she saw Landon coming out of one of the back doors, a hoodie covering his head, and his face lowered.
He had his bag slung over his shoulder, and he jogged over to where her car was. Once inside the vehicle he pushed his hood off, and she got a look at the swelling on the left side of his face.
He had a cut on his cheek that was taped closed.
“God, Landon, that looks bad.”
He shook his head and smiled. He had a few bruises on the other side of his face, but she’d seen him worse for wear after these matches, and this was what he wanted to do.
He leaned in close and kissed her soundly. “I’m fine. You know that.”
She opened her eyes when he pulled away and nodded, knowing he was right.
“Take us home, baby.”
He didn’t have to tell her again. She just wanted to be in their place, not having all this chaos around, and be able to take care of her guy.
Lyric and Landon had gotten back to their place over an hour ago. They’d taken a shower together, and right now they were in their bed, him running his fingers along her bare arm, and neither speaking.