Page 18 of Obsession Within
It’s a stupid thing to do but I turn my phone on silent and ignore him. I can’t talk to him right now. Not after I just kissed another guy a few minutes ago.What fuck was I thinking?
“Where are you headed?” The driver asks.
“Saylor Towers Hotel.” I take a deep breath, relaxing my head against the headrest as I try to not feel guilty about that kiss.
What was I thinking? It was stupid. It didn’t make any sense yet it felt good. It felt so good. I fucking messed up.
The storm continues as the cab driver halts outside the tall, imposing Saylor Towers building. I should just tell the driver to take me back to my apartment, but I can’t.
As I get out of the cab and get drenched for the second time around, I look up to see dark ominous clouds looming in the sky above.
A cold shiver runs through me as I rush in through the revolving doors and into the bright light of the foyer.
People that are seated on the couches, probably waiting for their room key, look up at me and glare, because I look like shit and completely out of place.
“Excuse me, Ma’am. Can I help you?”
A familiar dark-haired woman in a white shift dress with beautiful, rich chocolate skin approaches me.
“Yes, I’m here to see Hudson Saylor-Tyne,” I glance at her silver-plated name tag.Jenis scrawled across its surface.
She’s the one Hudson talked to when he first brought me back to Saylor Towers.
“May I ask why?” She sounds polite enough, but she eyes me as if she can’t possibly understand what I would want to see a guy like Hudson for at this part of the evening. What kind of dumb fucking question is that?
“I’m his girlfriend.” My voice is colder than I intend for it to sound.
“Oh.” Jen’s face reddens with embarrassment. “You must be Parker? I’m so sorry. You can go right up.”
“Thanks,” I say, moving around her as I head towards the glass elevator car.
You’re his girlfriend, but you just kissed another guy.
Once inside I punch the penthouse floor button with my thumb and wait patiently as the elevator zooms up in no time. I barely have time to tell myself that I don’t need to feel guilty about anything. It was just a moment and nothing more. It won’t ever happen again. I know it won’t.
I’m starting to wonder why Eric even kissed me in the first place and why I didn’t stop him when he did it again as the elevator comes to an abrupt stop and the glass doors slide open.
The hallway is silent and at the end, the door to Hudson’s penthouse seems too close. Swallowing hard, I get out of the elevator and make my way to his door.
I knock twice on the cold steel surface and there’s complete silence on the other side.
“Hudson?” I call out. “Can you open the door?”
There’s more silence. I wait patiently for five long minutes until I knock again.
Maybe he left?No. He has to be here or Jen wouldn’t have let me come up here.
So I knock once more. “If you want me to leave then fine, that’s exactly what I’ll do.”
My heart pounds steadily as I hope that he opens up and a moment later the panel on the door flashes green and the door opens to Hudson standing in the doorway in just his jeans
His eyes are blood-rimmed as if he hadn’t slept in days and his skin looks oddly pale, not his usual tan.
“What took you fucking so long?” His voice is low, clipped.
Well, shit.