Page 59 of Obsession Within
I move into the next aisle and turn the volume of my music down as I grab a pack of pasta shells from the shelf. Maybe I could make Mac ‘n Cheese the way my Grandmother used to during my weekend trips to L.A.
I turn around to see the man standing right behind me. So I move down the aisle with my cart, pushing it faster than usual and when I turn back I see him break into a small jog.
I leave the rest of the shopping and quickly cash up at the till, before leaving the store.
“Still with him?” His voice is low behind me.
I turn around and see the man still walking behind me.
“What the hell do you want? Do you know you can get arrested for harassment?” I snap.
He shrugs as he looks at the ground. “I’m not harassing you. I just want to get closer to him. You clearly don’t know what he’s all about yet, do you?”
“What do you want?” My voice is thick with anger.
The man turns away from me as one of the security guards comes out of the store.
“I won’t hesitate to call security guards or police next time,” I tell him and he quickly disappears into the night.
The cab driver makes a quick stop at my apartment building so that I can drop the groceries off and I promise Lex that I’ll be back soon. I leave again, grabbing that envelope with me, and head to Saylor Towers.
I don’t care if he’s not talking to me. I’m going to get an answer one way or the other tonight.
Jen approaches me as soon as I step into the bright lobby of Saylor Towers, clutching the pale envelope to my chest as if my life depended on it.
“Sorry, but Mr. Saylor-Tyne’s isn’t receiving any guests right now,” she says warmly.
“Not even his girlfriend?” I ask coldly.
Jen smiles. “I’m afraid not.”
“Okay, well. Would you let him know I came by?”
“Of course, sweetie,” she says.
I give a hard look.
“Okay. I will let him know as soon as he comes down. Enjoy your evening.”
I force a smile and watch as Jen walks away. The glass elevator is a few meters away and I can make it.
Tonight, I am setting things straight between us and not even Jen can stop this.
I walk slowly towards the elevator, no one seems to be paying any attention to me and when I’m close enough, I run into the open elevator and quickly press the top floor button leading to the penthouse.
The elevator zooms up and the glass doors open as soon as I’m on Hudson’s floor.
I walk towards his door, my heart beating hard against my chest, my mouth dry and my chest aching for some reason.
“Hudson.” I knock on his door. “Can you open up?”
There’s silence, so I knock again.
I press my ear to the cool surface of the door and I can’t hear anything on the other side.
“I know you’re there. I need to speak to you and I’m not going until you come out here.” My voice trembles as I speak.
He can lock himself up in there, but I’m not going to go anywhere. Not until I know what the fuck is going on.