Page 70 of Obsession Within
My jaw tightens. “Well, I really don’t want the help.”
Matt shakes his head and chuckles. “You don’t have to be difficult. But I’ll get you to work with me one way or the other.”
I force a smile. “Well, good luck then. Where’s dad anyway?”
Matt shrugs. “He didn’t come. I might have told him that this meeting is tomorrow.”
“Mr. Saylor-Tyne.” Matt and I both look up to see an elderly man walking toward us.
“Mr. Çelen,” Matt says, briefly glancing at me. “This is my brother, Hudson.”
I shake hands with Mr. Çelen. “It’s good to meet you, Sir.”
He nods and smiles. “It’s good to meet you too.”
Mr. Çelen takes out a folded paper from the inside of his suit jacket.
“I think you both better sign this, then. I believe this is a good deal.”
Matt slaps his palm against my back and I smile as I take the paper from Mr. Çelen.
My brother is right. This might be a good idea. I know my father will be fuming when he finds out that Matt and I are doing business behind his back.
“Sagol,” Matt says, nodding at Mr. Çelen.
“Sagol,” I say and nod, following Matt’s lead.
What does that even mean? Matt and I head into the cool building with the old man, before signing some formality papers that now make us sole owners of the Longview building.
“I’ll invite you both and your family to join us early next year to view some potential sites in Istanbul. We’re trying to attract more tourists,” Mr. Çelen says. “It would be a great opportunity to expand Saylor Towers.”
“We’d appreciate that very much,” Matt says and we all shake hands once again before Mr. Çelen leaves.
“Why don’t you come out with us tonight? Maybe we can have dinner all together,” Matt says. “Are you still with Parker?”
I nod silently.
“So you’ll come?”
“Not with mom and dad,” I tell him and he smiles.
“Not with them. Just you, Parker, Taylor, and I. Does that sound good?”
“I’ll probably be busy.” The lie comes out quick.
I really don’t want to be stuck in the same room as Taylor, even if it’s just for a few hours. That’s like telling me to lie across train tracks with a train coming at high speed.
Matt looks at me like he always does. Like how I suppose a big brother would look at his younger brother. Narrow green eyes, lips pressed into a thin line. He’s going to insist until I say yes.
“If not for you, then bring Parker. I’m sure she’d like that,” Matt says. “She’s a good girl. I’m glad she’s still around.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” I ask bluntly.
Matt pats my shoulder. “Nothing. I’m just glad. We’re meeting at The Velvet Lounge. Did you come here in your car or do you want me to drop you off?”
“Yeah, you can take me home. I took the subway today.”
“No problem.” Matt reaches into his pocket and hands me a bunch of keys.