Page 25 of Sinful Urges
"The new one?" I ask.
I stand up and walk over to my bag. Unlike Woods and Salinas, I prefer everything to be analog. It helps me organize my thoughts. They hate it because they end up having to digitize everything but I don't pay below-average wages for them not to work at all. "Okay," I say, grabbing my red notebook from my backpack. I flip to the last page, where I took down all the information the caller gave me. "So his name is Tom Souter. He’s a nineteen-year-old kid, who lives in a suburb called Winterhaven."
"Who called?"
"His mom. She’s devout. She’s worried about him."
"Teenage rebellion?"
"Yeah, looks like he’s into alternative music and she’s pretty scandalized by it," I say. "But that’s not what prompted her to call. She says she saw him levitate once when she walked into his room unannounced. She told me that she took the lock off his door so she could just check up on him whenever because she was worried he was going to hurt himself."
"Taking the lock off a teenage boy’s door," Salinas says. I can hear the smile in his voice. "Brilliant."
I laugh. "Yeah, I didn't tell her that. I wanted to, though," I say. "Anyway, she saw him levitate four inches off his bed or so. When she went to get her phone from the living room, he was back on his bed as if nothing had happened."
"Convenient," he says. "You sure she isn’t just calling us to scare him?"
"She probably is, but I guess that’s why we need to go find out," I say. "We have an appointment at ten tomorrow. When I texted her to check in today, she said it’d gotten worse. I don't know what that means. She didn’t elaborate and I…"
I was thinking about Trine. Her case, not her. I don’t think about her.
"Alright. Rei can brief us in the morning," Salinas says. "And maybe we’ll have more clarity on all of this once we get some sleep. You do remember sleep, don't you, Misha?"
"I’ve heard of it," I say. "And yeah, I hope you’re right."
"Yeah," he says. "Me too."