Page 13 of Lost to the Kingpin
“Yes please. And a doughnut.”
“Have two.”
I nod, grinning. “OK.”
“I’m still going to make you my famous stew, but it’s not exactly a breakfast thing.” He stands from the bed, taking my hand with him for a moment, then grits his teeth and lets go as he heads for the cart. “I’ve also ordered a few other things for you. Toiletries, that sort of thing. Some fresh clothes.”
“How did you...?” I narrow my eyes. It’s not possible. He hasn’t left the bed.
“I have people to do things for me when I want to use them,” he says, moving around the cart, loading up two plates with food. “I wanted to use them. I want you to have everything you want or need. Also, I heard your phone dinging a couple of times in the night.”
My phone.
Ugh, I’m guessing that’s my dad. Well, he can just suck it up and wait. Let him think something’s happened to me.
In a way, it has.
“I guess toiletries could be useful,” I say as I take my breakfast from him. “I could use a shower. Of course, I don’t have to shower all alone...”
He shakes his head. “If I did that, I don’t think I’d be able to keep myself under control.”
“Maybe I don’t want you under control,” I say, my gaze lowering to the edge of his robe. Is he naked underneath? Could I finally get a hold of that...thatcock? “Maybe I want you rough and needy.”
He groans as he watches me pick up a sausage, and I lick my lips as I dip it in tomato sauce, then hold his gaze as I clean every inch. I may not have any experience when it comes to men, but I know how to tease, it seems.
I take my time biting, chewing, swallowing, then pull my bottom lip between my teeth.
“You’re going to be the death of me,” Leo says, his voice croaking with need. “But it wouldn’t be right. Your first time should be roses and chocolates, five star restaurants and tropical hotels. I shouldn’t be taking you for your first time in the shower of a casino hotel in Vegas.”
“It’s your first time too,” I point out, then narrow my eyes. “Or was that just a lie?”
“I told you, Atlanta, I’m never going to lie to you. How can I ever hope to keep someone as perfect as you if I tell lies? I don’t even deserve you as it is. You should be fleeing from me right now before you get in too deep.”
“And is that what you want?”
He shakes his head. “I’d chase you down and drag you back, but I wouldn’t blame you.”
“And what if what I want is to be used? To be thrown against the wall and shown how I make you feel?”
He stands stock still for a moment, almost seething, so that it’s difficult to tell if he’s furious with me or desperately turned on. I’m not even sure which one I’m hoping for. I’ve seen him furious and I’ve felt what he can do to my body.
“Isthat what you want? Atlanta, I’m—”
The knock at the door makes him fall silent, but he doesn’t move. His gaze roams along my body, where it’s covered by the robe, where it’s underneath the duvet. I drop my fork and reach out for the edge of his robe, and he doesn’t try to stop me. My fingers dance lightly over the iron rod sticking out at the front, almost pushing the whole thing apart, almost exposing him to me. Just a little flick of my fingertips and I’ll have him.
“Mr. Brickhouse?” The voice is muffled through the door, but I recognize it as belonging to Mike. “Sir, some bags were just dropped off for you. I have them here. You want me to take them to my room and you can collect them later?”
He gulps, Adam’s apple bobbing painfully, then shakes his head and pulls back. His voice is hoarse when he speaks. “No. I’m coming.”
“Not yet you’re not,” I say with a smirk, licking my lips, but he doesn’t take the bait.
“Finish your breakfast, baby,” he says. “I’ll...” He draws a deep breath. “Baby, I’ll...”
But he doesn’t finish that thought. Instead, he just growls, shaking his head as he turns away.