Page 15 of Lost to the Kingpin
“I’d like you to take a look at Atlanta’s work. I think you’ll be impressed.”
Jaime’s expression darkens. “This is my business, Leo. I don’t do personal favors, even for old friends.” She turns her emerald gaze to Atlanta. “No offense, Miss Smoke, but this gallery is rather exclusive. Our clients have to be known to us, we don’t allow the general public inside and there’s a certain expectation when it comes to the work we display. I’ve never even heard of you.”
Atlanta shakes her head. “It’s OK, I’m—”
“Jaime, who introduced you to your wife?” I pull Atlanta in close. I’m not angry. Not yet. I know Jaime well, and I already knew she’d resist. It’s a test of sorts, to see how much I still value her as a friend, to see whether I’m willing to play this game.
But if she upsets Atlanta, all bets are off.
Jaime pauses, narrowing her eyes. Then she starts to laugh. “Unfair, Leopold. But true. All right, let me take a look at your work, Atlanta. Do you have any pieces with you?”
“No, I—”
“She has an online portfolio.”
“Really? How intriguingly modern. You know, I don’t think we’ve represented an artist under the age of thirty before. How old are you, if you don’t mind my asking?”
“Twenty-one,” Atlanta says, fumbling her phone out of her bag. The same bag that yesterday held a gun meant for me.
How things change.
Jaime takes the phone as it’s offered to her. “Your youth could generate some buzz,ifwe were to— Oh, that is quite charming. These pencil sketches demonstrate some real skill. You know that, of course, but there’s more here. There’s a confidence that goes beyond—oh, paintings as well. Oh my, this is beyond mere technical skill. An individuality. I’m a sculptor myself, but I’ve been known to have an eye when it comes to other forms. Have you exhibited before?”
“No. I wouldn’t know where to begin.”
“You’ll begin here,” Jaime says absently, still scrolling, “in my gallery. The start of a career. Invite only, of course. Very exclusive. A new artist, her first exhibition. I can sell that to our high-end clients. Twenty-one, you say? Are you studying or are you selling professionally?”
“Studying...” Atlanta turns a little to me, pulling herself in closer. “Business admin.”
Jaime chuckles.
Then she looks up from the phone and her expression drops.
“You’re serious? Why ever would you... No.” She shakes her head. “No, no, no, I won’t allow it. This kind of talent needs to be nurtured. Leopold, did you know about this? Why in heaven’s name didn’t you ask me to pull some strings? Atlanta, I’m going to get in touch with some of my old acquaintances at Yale. That is, unless your heart is absolutely set onbusiness.” She screws up her face like she’s just tasted something sour. “And if that’s the case then why are you showing me these in the first place?”
“You can get me into Yale?”
“No, absolutely not. Butyoucan with work like this. All I’ll be doing is opening the door, you’ll be the one stepping through it. If money is the issue, I’d be happy to—”
“Money isn’t an issue,” I tell her, interrupting. Then I turn to Atlanta. “Not if that’s what you want, baby.”
“Really?” Atlanta takes both my hands in hers, clinging on as if this might be a dream that could fade at any moment. “Why would you do that for me?”
“Because you deserve it and I want to see you succeed.”
She stares into my eyes, blinking, little tears beading at the ends of her lashes, transferring to her cheeks. I kiss them away and she leans in to me, and I see the smirk spread over Jaime’s face as she watches us.
“This will require some organizing,” Jaime says. “I have people to contact, things to set up, but I believe we could do the exhibition within two months. Expect a call about Yale. I’ll leave you two to look around, but I’ll be in my office if you need me. And Leo? I will of course receive a call from you to arrange an evening out together. You owe me now. Bring Atlanta. I think she’s going to be my new project. A protege, if you like.”
“Yes, ma’am,” I reply with a smile.
“Make sure you do. Ciao, Atlanta, until we speak again.”