Page 22 of A Stitch Up
Chapter 10
I wake up with a sore body and feel like I have just done ten rounds with Mike Tyson. I am still in Cahill’s room. I stretch out my arms and notice the spot in the bed next to me is cold. He must have gotten up early. I decide to get up and head back to my room before he returns. He clearly doesn’t want to see me. I grab my scattered clothes, head to my room for a shower and to hopefully make myself feel more human.
I still can’t believe I had sex with Cahill last night. That was a big mistake. What was I thinking? But he was incredible. I wish we could do it all over again, but he did tell me he is a fuck them and leave them kind of guy, which is cool. I can’t be catching feelings for this thug.
When I reach my room, I see a new laptop and loads of information about the restaurant Brazen, to help me get a start on his social media page. I can always ask Jones to take me to the restaurant if I need pictures. But first I will have a shower and then think about food.
Once dressed in leggings and an oversized hoodie, I put my glasses on. I hate wearing my glasses, I feel like I look so geeky in them. I don’t bother with make-up as I’m not leaving the house any time soon. Cahill doesn’t want to see me, so why make the effort? My glasses ruin the effort of make-up anyway. As I walk down to get food, I can tell there isn’t anyone about. I just make myself some toast and a cuppa while listening to the radio. Jones pops through the door to the kitchen with hands full of ingredients.
“What’s on the menu this week?” I ask as I look at Jones’ hands.
“I was thinking of making lasagna with salad and chips and chicken enchiladas? What do you think? We know Cahill won’t be happy.” We both laugh because it’s true, Cahill will hate it but tough, Jones and I like different stuff.
“Sounds amazing, maybe I can help ya cook this week? Give me something to do rather than read.” I smile up at him.
“Yes! Great! I could do with some help in here, gets lonely talking to myself.” He laughs back to me.
Once breakfast is done, I head back to my room and get stuck into my task of this restaurant on social media. Before I know it, Jones knocks on my door. “I brought you dinner. You missed lunch, but I couldn’t let you miss dinner too. It’s only a chicken dinner, simple and plain. Cahill won’t be home for dinner today.” He informs me with his head down.
Why won’t Cahill be back for dinner? Work must be busy, or he doesn’t want to see me. Is this what the next month is going to be like?
“Awk, thanks Jones. I will eat it now. It smells amazing. I will bring my plate down when I’m done. Thank you so much.” He leaves me to it.
I stop work to eat. After I’m finished with my dinner, I give Lauren a quick call. She tells me all about Ruairi and how much she likes him. I can’t be jealous; he is treating her nicely. He is nice to me, he just doesn’t say a lot. I tell her all about Cahill and our wild night last night but leave out the part that he has kidnapped me and I’m staying for a month at least. She didn’t seem keen to help me the last time I called, so what’s the point of saying anything?
“Lauren, you know how I had sex before? Well, after Cahill and I finished, there was blood on the sheets! Do you think I was a virgin all this time?” I am so embarrassed to be telling her this, but she is my best friend.
“Really?! Oh, my God, Sophie! You must have been. Are you ok?” she asks with concern in her voice. Am I ok? I am physically.
“Yeah, I’m grand. I haven’t seen Cahill since last night. He is busy with work. But he did tell me he is a fuck ‘em and leave ‘em kind of guy. So, I am not sure what I expected. Maybe it’s better he’s at work.”
“Ruairi told me that Cahill has never acted this way over a woman before. You are special to him. He never brings a woman to his home, let alone takes any on a date. You are different, Sophie. Don’t give up on him.”
Give up on him? There is nothing here to start with. “Ok, I will think about it. But hopefully we will get out soon for drinks.”
We say our goodbyes and promise to call later in the week. Ruairi is calling in later so Lauren wants to get ready. I grab my kindle to head off to the living room. I love the sofa, especially when the fire is lit, I could sit there for hours, it’s amazing. I get comfortable with my kindle and a pink gin in hand. It’s not like I have work tomorrow.
I must have dozed off because I feel I am being lifted. I try to open my eyes, but they are so heavy, and this body is so warm.
I wake the next morning to an empty bed in Cahill’s room again. I knew I was carried. But why did he bring me in here? What is his game plan? I start my morning routine by heading back to my room and getting ready for another day in this gorgeous cage. My day goes the same as yesterday. Cahill doesn’t come home for dinner again. What did I do? Again, tonight I go to the sofa and read.
All week I repeat the same thing. Wake up in Cahill’s bed without him. Eat breakfast downstairs and back up to my room to work on the social media page. It is coming along great. Jones has gotten me some pictures of the food they serve, and we are running deals to try to encourage customers in. I have loads of content for the pages. I hope Cahill likes it. I have dinner on my own. Even on Friday night. I am really starting to feel a little lonely and lost. I know I shouldn’t want Cahill, but I really thought we might have had something. Maybe it was me hoping for too much. I read too many books. I shake my head at myself, the bad boy falls for the innocent sweet girl. It’s all fantasy. The bad boys don’t fall for anyone in real life. They are just twats. After my little pity party, I go to bed before Cahill can carry me to his.
I wake during the night to feel someone lift me.
“Why are you doing this, Cahill? I know you don’t want me,” I mumble, not expecting a reply.
“I want you, doll. I am new to these feelings. Just go to sleep. It will work itself out if it’s meant to be.” He wants me. I smile to myself. Happy and content with myself. I did something right.
I wake up on Saturday morning in Cahill’s arms. I’m in his bed. What happened? I need to get out of here before he wakes up and regrets what he has done. I move his arm off my body and begin to slide out. I’m nearly out when Cahill pulls me back in.
“No, no, doll. You stay right here. We have some making up to do.” While he’s talking, he kisses the back of my neck, and runs his hands up and down my body. How am I meant to stay strong when he does things like this? How can I harden my heart against him when we have sweet moments like this? I can feel him grow harder and his cock pokes into my bum.
“No, Cahill, you haven’t seen or spoken to me all week. I need to get up and get ready for the day. You can stay in bed.” I sit up and am about to stand when Cahill pulls me back down and climbs on top of me, holding my hands above my head in one of his hands while the other is tracing my face and body.
“Sophie, I told you, don’t push me. I’ve been working all week to try to protect us both. So, for being a good girl, we are going out tonight for dinner with the Taoiseach. I have some people coming over to dress you and do your hair and make-up. Now don’t mess up. They know the deal, they work for me and won't help you get home, so in really simple terms, don’t even try it. Cool? Now kiss me!” He leans down and steals my lips with his. I can’t stop myself—I react to him. I lift my hips to him, to seek some relief. Cahill sits back. “Uh huh, you said no, doll. So maybe tonight I can change your mind. I haven’t stopped thinking about Sunday night.” With a peck on my lips, he then jumps off me. He leaves me breathless, and I’m not sure what I am meant to do now, so I do what I do best and run, only back to my own room.