Page 41 of A Stitch Up
Chapter 16
After the amazing night with Cahill, which I still can’t stop thinking about—he used a butt plug on me—we have both been busy with work trying to get everything ready for launch night at the casino. I can’t wait for it so I can wear my stunning new dress and relax a little after all the hard work that has gone into it. Lauren is coming to the launch as well, Ruairi invited her so we can have a good old piss up.
I am working away in the office when my phone rings. “Hi, Mam. You ok?”
“I have made it to Dublin. Can you meet me at your favorite café, McCarthy’s?”
“You’re here and all, but I thought the plan was you were going to arrange something with me? Erm, I’m at work, but I am sure it will be ok to nip out for an hour. Are you at McCarthy’s and all?”
“Yeah, here and all, sweetie. I have just ordered my coffee, take your time.”
“Give me ten minutes and I will be there with you, Mum.”
As I hang up, I wonder why she has come here suddenly? Have I spooked her? I need to call Cahill and tell Ruairi.
I walk into the hall to find Ruairi walking toward me with paperwork. “Can I talk to ya really quick? Please.”
“Sure thing, you, ok? You look a little flustered. Who fucked up?” Ruairi says. He is quick to defend me even after he tried to get rid of me.
“My mum called, she is at McCarthy’s and waiting for me to get there. I need to go now, but I know you are super busy. Do you think someone else could go with me? Cahill told me I wasn’t to go alone, and I don’t fancy pissing him off today.”
Secretly I would love to, I might get punished but I don’t want to risk it, I know how stressed he is, and launch night is so close.
Ruairi is thinking. He is scratching his beard, and I wonder if he knows that is one of his tells, but I won’t point it out, I will keep that information in case I need it in a game of poker against him.
“I will call Liam. He should be nearby and won't mind getting coffee and can blend in well. Are you calling Cahill?”
“Yep, I will call grumpy.” I giggle at Ruairi. Ruairi laughs back at me and walks to call Liam, but I do hear him mumble, “That girl. Good luck to ya, Cahill.”
I thought I was a simple girl but maybe the guys see something different. I call Cahill and he picks up after the first ring.
“Is everything alright, doll?”
“Hi to you too. I am grand. My mum called to tell me she is at McCarthy’s and all. She didn’t plan it with me, she just arrived. I spoke with Ruairi, he is busy here, so he is calling Liam to go with me, but I wanted to tell you myself. Is it ok if Liam goes with me?”
“I am not happy she has sprung this on you, on us, but that’s not your fault, doll. Liam will be great, and he knows what is at stake. Go have a lovely coffee with your mam, and I will see you at dinner.”
“Yeah, I will see you at dinner. I think Jones is making spag boll again. I’m so excited. Be good, Cahill.” I wink, not that he can see me, yes, I am that girl, weird.
“Hahaha, of course, I’m always good, doll.”
Then he hangs up. Glad I got him laughing. Mission completed.
I walk to the doors to meet Liam. He is in a white Ford Focus RS, not noticeable at all. He’s wearing jeans, white t-shirt, and shades on. He looks like he could be a model, but I won't tell him that because he has a bigger ego than Cahill. I open the door and “50 Shades of Crazy” by Chase Rice is blasting out. I didn’t take him for a country boy.
“You getting in, girl? I have a date with a frappe coffee.” He laughs at me. He is completely crazy and laid back. God help the woman that ever catches his attention, she has no way of escaping. Ruairi has told me loads of women have tried to tie him down, but he is too much a of a free bird to think about that.
“I’m in. Also, I didn’t take you as a country fan?”
He chuckles, “You don’t know me well, but I just love music. Any kind. I just like to sing and move to music. You a country girl?”
“Yes! And Chase is one of my favorites. So is Sam Hunt, Kane Brown, Thomas Rhett, Kip Moore, Chris Stapleton, Brothers Osborne…”
“Ok, ok, ok, girl, I get it. You love country music. You are funny. I knew you would do well in here with us lot. Anyway, why did your mam just pop up?”
“I don’t know, she said she would arrange something with me, I am worried something has spooked her. Is there anything I should look out for while I’m with her?”