Page 44 of A Stitch Up
“Ruairi, grab me needle and thread. Cahill, give me the whiskey, now. And once I have Liam stitched up, I am dealing with you two myself,” I say calmly, but I am pure rage inside. Cahill should know better than to stab one of his own. Liam hasn’t spoken.
“Liam, you still with me? It’s not a deep wound, a few stitches and some rest should do it.” I smile at him.
“Thank you, girl, but honestly, I got off lightly. Thank you, for stepping in to help me after I messed up today.” He smiles up at me, and it’s the first time I see Liam, and not the solider who works for Cahill. I get Liam stitched up and sit down on the ground with my back to the men in the room.
“Who would like to tell me what is going on here?” Cahill asks.
I am broken. How can everything be so perfect this morning, yet turn so fucking bad within hours?
“Sophie, I am sorry. I have let you down. I should have been with you. I am so fuming at Liam right now.” Ruairi tells me, he feels guilty, I get that.
“What the fuck happened, Liam?”
“My car had been fucked with. The tires were let out, the battery disconnected, and it was only Kiera with me, so I was trying to sort the car out while she kept look out. I didn’t see anyone, there was no threat, and neither did Kiera. We fucked up. But I don’t know how.” Liam is hanging his head in shame. It makes sense as to why he was late to get to me.
“You did your best, Liam. I don’t blame you at all.” I try to reassure him.
“Then who the fuck do you blame, Sophie? Because I am going fucking crazy over here. I got a text to tell memywoman has a gun pressed to her back. You do understand you won't be fucking leaving me!You are mine!” Cahill roars at me while he smashes his glass on the far wall.
“Cahill, you are scaring her. Calm down mate.” Ruairi is holding him back.
I have never seen Cahill so angry, and I don’t think it is directed at me. I stand up, Liam tries to hold me back, but I shake his hold off and walk over to Cahill. I look into his eyes and place my hands on his chest. Ruairi steps back.
I whisper on Cahill’s lips, “I’m here. Nothing happened to me. I am not going anywhere. I am yours, sir.” And then softly kiss his lips. I am praying this works and brings him back to me. I don’t like where he has gone to.
I feel him softly kiss me back. I can feel him slightly loosen up a little. It’s working. I can tame the monster inside him. His lips leave mine, and with a quick look I see his shining blue eyes return to me.
“You can’t leave me, doll. I will go crazy without you. I will burn this world down to find you and bring you back to me.”
I nod because this is Cahill’s love for me. All in, or nothing at all. I will take all, every single time.
“Doll, why don’t you go and get washed up. I will meet you in the dining room. I am sure you are hungry. I just want to talk to Liam before he goes home to rest under Dr. Martin’s orders.”
He winks at me. I am not a doctor, and he is teasing me, but at least he isn’t going to hurt Liam anymore.
“Fine, but if you or Ruairi hurt Liam again, I will make sure to follow through on sorting you two out myself.” I try to sound confident and convincing.
“Yes, doll. I pinky promise. Now on you go,” he says to me with the biggest smile on his face. So, I do as I am told and head off to clean up. I want Liam’s blood off me, and that creepy kidnapper’s grubby hand marks off me too. I think a long soak in the bath with one of the lush bath bombs and Sam Hunt playing will work.