Page 6 of A Stitch Up
“This way, Miss Martin, please,” I say as I hold my arm out for her to lead the way to my car. I nod to Liam to let him know I will call him later to be filled in on what happened today. I can tell he is excited to tell me.
We walk out the back door to the employee’s car park to grab my car. I click the key to unlock my black Land Rover Ranger Hybrid. It’s good to drive in the city but still has enough power for the open road and it’s great if I need to go off road, which is occasionally. I walk over to open the passenger door and can see Sophie squirm a little. I offer my hand.
“Do you need a hand to get in, Sophie? I know it’s a little high off the ground, but I can help you in,” I say, trying to be sweet. I think if Sophie could dig out my eyes with her stare she would.
Sophie barks back at me, “No! I’m fine. Thank you, Cahill.”
I keep the door open and watch her struggle to shuffle in, but she does it, so I just close the door and walk round to the driver side. It helps that I’m six foot three inches, because I slide in very easily and start the car up and the radio pops on. I had Dublin’s Q102 on. I don’t really listen much to music besides when I am working out in the gym most mornings by myself or with Ruairi.
“Do you like music?” I ask, just to break the silence in the car. I keep my eyes on the road but I can see her from the corner of my eye. I wish I could read her mind; I want to know what she is thinking about me.
“Yes, I love country music best,” she replies quietly, shyly.
I have no problem with country music, so I switch the station for her. I can be a gentleman when I need to be. The song that comes on is about a good girl; I think Sophie could be a good girl—with some training. I would love to hear her purr for me. Her perfume is driving me crazy, very fruity, sweet like her, I think. My car will smell of her for days and I won't complain. Since I changed the station, she is relaxing a little, her shoulders aren’t so high up and she is resting her head back on the headrest.
“What are thinking about?” I ask. I’m so nosy, I know, but I want to know everything about her.
“I don’t know what to think now, Cahill. But I am enjoying listening to Dustin Lynch’s “Good Girl”. I saw him at Dublin C2C, Country to Country. It was a year or two ago with Lauren. It was an amazing three night concert, loads of music, dancing, and drinking. I’m just remembering good times. His voice live was amazing. Sorry I am rambling on about nothing. I should be asking questions.” She finishes.
Did she even take a breath in between all of that? I think Sophie and Aoife would get on well. Aoife can talk a leg off a stool and I am starting to think maybe Sophie can too.
“Ask away, Sophie, we have a little time till we get to mine anyway.” I am trying to appear just a man to her. I want her to choose to stay with me. If nothing else, I would like her to know she has a friend in me by the end of this ordeal. But my intentions are to keep her.
“Will you even be honest with me? But anyway, here goes nothing. Where am I going? Are you going to kill me? Why am I being held hostage? Who are you? Will I get home in time for dinner with Lauren tonight? And when will I get my phone back? I need to call my mam.” She rattles off straight away.
I am sure she has many more questions. But for now, I will try to answer the ones she has asked. “I will be as honest as I can with you, Sophie. If there is something I can’t tell you, I won't answer. We are going to my house. Sandycove. I am hoping not to kill you, as I rather like you. You are very easy on the eyes, Sophie. You are not a hostage, there is no ransom for you. We are just going to mine until I see if it’s safe to let you go back to your own life. I am Cahill Traynor, pleased to meet you. I am not sure when you will get your phone back, I’m hoping it will be at my place by the time we arrive. About getting home for dinner, I think Lauren might be eating alone as you are dining with me tonight.” I try using my most charming tone, I can see Sophie is blushing out the side of my eye. I could be on to a winner here, but she will be having dinner with me tonight and staying. It is Friday after all. I don’t think she works Saturdays. Sophie stays quiet.
“Also, you are staying tonight, in a spare room. I need to keep an eye on you.” I try again to get her to talk. I love her voice. She sounds like she is singing but only for me. I could listen to her all day.
“I still don’t really know who you are. You’re being cryptic. It doesn’t seem I have much choice about dinner. But I am glad you don’t want to kill me. You will take me home after dinner, Cahill. I haven’t done anything, and I don’t want to be held as a prisoner,” she says back, sounding kind of defeated.
I don’t like how she is sounding so helpless, where has her sass gone? Hopefully the report will be there when I get home. Maybe I should explain to her a little more, but not too much. I don’t trust very well, it’s a part of my job. I’ve learned to read people. Over the years, Da taught me how to read people, and was always telling me to never trust anyone, only family. Once I trusted a man. I thought he was my loyal friend, and when we went to do a drop off with the North group, I was held at gun point. He had tried to rat me out the Garda, he simply forgot most of them are on our pay roll. I could have done time or been killed over a simple drop off. He wanted to get up the ladder in the family but instead he paid with his life. I didn’t do it, I let him go to trial, then paid someone on the inside to do it for me. I do believe Sophie is innocent and it’s a simple case of in the wrong place at the wrong time, but I still need to check.
“You will do as you are told, doll. And I am not keeping you as a prisoner,” I reply just as we turn onto my road up the gated drive and into the garage.
There is a camera that recognizes the car registration and automatically lets us in, or it sends an alarm to my phone to let me know someone is at my gate. There are only two cars in my garage, my Audi R8 for when I need to show up at functions, and my Range Rover that I am driving now. In my other garage I have a Rolls Royce, Mercedes-Benz AMG GT and Nissan GT-R. I don’t really use those cars unless I want to show off. I pull into my space and stop the car. Sophie just keeps staring ahead.
“Would you like to come in? Might help you get to know me a little better?” I think her curiosity might win this time. I can see she is thinking about it. She wants to know what is inside.
From the outside it looks like an old two-story mansion. It’s made of dark and light grey toned granite. People think it's stone, but it is granite, and it cost a hell of lot more than just stone. The garden is well kept, which brightens the outside a little. It is anything but old when inside.
Sophie climbs out of the Range Rover, I do offer help, but she refuses, again. I grab her hand and notice how it feels in mine. It’s so small, warm, and soft in my big rough hand.
We walk to the front doors, and like a gentleman I open them for her. Solid wood is heavy, especially when it’s lined to be bullet proof. All my windows are bullet proof too. I need to give myself the best protection.
I have enough money to have full time staff, but I only have a cleaner and chef, they both stay here most nights but do go home to their own places when they need a change of scenery. I like to have my own space, so I don’t mind at all when they don’t stay. I’m not always here during normal hours and never stick to a routine.
This is the first woman I have brought home to my house. I usually go to one of the hotels I have on tab if I have a woman. I fuck her, then send her home after I’m done. I feel a little awkward about showing my house to a woman.
Aoife helped me decorate the place to give it a homely feel, and Mam knitted a few blankets that I keep on the sofas. I watch Sophie as she looks around the house. From the front door you can see the grand staircase. Upstairs are the bedrooms, seven of them and two bathrooms. Each bedroom has an en-suite and lounge area with a mini fridge and kettle. Just so people don’t have to walk around the house to get the basic stuff.
My office is upstairs, just next to my room, the master bedroom. I have an en-suite too, and a small kitchen so I can make myself something and go to work without going to the main kitchen if I don’t want to. It’s not every morning I have time sit and chat with my chef Jones while he makes my breakfast. My office is locked and only I have the key. My cleaner and chef each have their own rooms, which is at the start of the rooms on the first floor. And Ruairi has his own room when he wants it, that’s across from me, that way it’s easier to reach me if something goes down. I also have three spare rooms for guests.
I have a basement, but that can only be accessed by fingerprint. I have no worries about Sophie getting in there.
To the left of the stairs on the ground floor is my kitchen and eating area or entertaining room. I mainly eat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen as it’s usually only Ruairi and I who use it if he’s here. I do have a dining room table that seats up to ten people, but no one is usually here to use it.
On the right of the stairs is my sitting room. Television on the wall with a built-in bookcase around it. It mainly has DVDs. I am not a big fan of reading. Most of my books are history based, not romance, which I know Sophie likes to read.