Page 5 of Curves Disciplined
It’s a couple of days later before I have some free time and can check in on the Cecilia situation.
I’ll be honest, I’ve been thinking about her nonstop and it’s been hindering my work. Just this morning and I was daydreaming about the curve of her sexy little ass and I walked right into a board one of my guys was carrying. Now I’m carrying a shiner like a dumb ass.
I took it upon myself to look up Cecilia’s OnlyFans a day or two after my run-in with Penelope. Her explanation of the content was more risque than what I’d seen, frankly. Sure, because of Cecilia’s size, everything looked a little more inappropriate. But I’d seen more pornographic content on a construction site by my guys than I did on her OnlyFans. She didn’t whip out any dildos, touch herself, or do anything that would be labeled as more than a few racy photo shoots.
Then I logged on Tuesday night with a cold beer while I waited for my dinner to be delivered. I don’t know why I thought to check her OnlyFans, but I had a feeling I’d have more success there than waiting for Penelope to call me back and give me the go-ahead to show up at the house again.
I open up my web browser and click the saved link to her page. I’m immediately inundated with fresh content that I’ve never seen before. A handful of clips have been added to her OnlyFans page starring the two of us. Dozens of comments fill the screen.
My heart stops when I click play and watch the first clip play. This one is only twenty-seven seconds and you can see me stalk across the room as she berates me. In one fell swoop, she flies through the air and lands with a soft thud on my lap. My hand caresses her large, round ass and the video cuts off just as I land my first slap.
I have to give it to Cecilia, she’s a masterful marketer. I’m already hard and I’ve only watched half a minute of footage. But I’m also pissed. Each of the other clips is under heavy lock and key. For an additional $10 you can unlock the next minute, for $25 you can unlock the minute after that, and it keeps getting pricier. I’d say that’s an exorbitant rate but on the final video where you have to shell out $100, at least twenty of her subscribers have already done it.
I close out the screen and shut my laptop with a slam that is undoubtedly bad for the screen. “This, this, this girl,” I growl into the empty space. “She’s a menace. She’s just bad,” I stutter to no one.
There’s a knock on the front door indicating that my food has arrived. I take several deep breaths as I cross the room and pull out my wallet. A nice young man stands on the doorstep with a smile on his face as he hands me a bag of Chinese. I give a few bills and nod my head respectfully, not trusting myself to speak.
Every interaction I have with Cecilia makes it more and more clear why Penelope found it difficult to control her daughter. At first, I thought it was just Penelope, but Cecilia is a loose cannon. I thought at the very least she would temper a little bit. I didn’t think she’d take our homemade spanking porn and put it out there for the world to see.
I didn’t think it was possible to eat Chinese angrily, but I do. I sit on the couch and stab my fork into my chow mein and shove each bite into my mouth like I’ve got something to prove. I’m just stewing in my anger over the outcome of my discipline. Instead of learning from what happened, Cecilia used it to profit. So maybe it’s time for round two.
* * *
Icould have called Penelope, but it’s time to leave out the middle man. It’s not like I show up in the dead of night. The sun is barely setting and it’s not like I’m hiding in the shadows. I walk right up to the front door and knock like a respectable member of society.
Alicia answers again. When she sees me, her eyes widen and her jaw drops. “Oh, uh, sir, I,” she starts mumbling.
I hold my hands up with a bland smile on my face. “I come in peace. I’m not here to disrupt your day, ma’am. I just want to see Cecilia.” The last time I said that, she told me Cecilia was unavailable and I forced my way into the home and saw her anyway. I guess I was the culprit of a little disruption at the time.
She chews on her bottom lip and flashes a glance backward before shuffling away from the door to allow me entrance. “Cecilia is going to kill me. She said I was to never allow you back in this home.”
So they’ve talked about me. “Don’t worry about it. I won’t tell her it was you,” I say with a wink.
Alicia gives me a little harrumph before closing the door behind me. “You know the way to her room?”
Not necessarily, but I’ll figure it out. “That I do. Go back to what you were doing. I’ve got this.” I head off in the only direction I know intent on finding Cecilia and sitting her down for a talk. First and foremost, we need to discuss what she got out of the other day. Then we need to repeat that lesson. Finally, we need to remove that pesky little OnlyFans account. If I do it right, I should be in and out of here in an hour.
Except this stupid mansion is a maze and it takes me forever to find Cecilia’s room. By the time I arrive, I’m frustrated and cursing Penelope for having to find a rich husband and have more wealth than God.
Cecilia must hear me because she comes out of her room with a confused look on her face and when she catches sight of me, an eyebrow perks up. “Heya, Terminator. Just the guy I wanted to see. You’ve been making me and the children a lot of money.”
I think I remember seeing something on her profile about half of her proceeds going to a charity. “I’m happy to hear it. I don’t remember signing any release documents though.” I cluck my tongue and start to shake my head in disappointment. “That’s a shame. You’re going to need to take those videos down.”
A sly smile spreads across her lips. “Oh, have you seen them?”
“Can’t say I’m seen all of them,” I admit. “I don’t have daddy’s deep pockets to fund the entire ten minutes. But Iwasthere when they took place, so I do have a pretty firsthand account of what happened.”
Her jaw ticks and the smile on her face dims just a little bit. “I don’t have a daddy either.”
I pretend to think on it for a second before I snap my fingers in realization. “Oh, yeah, you’re right. Sorry. My apologies. I don’t have Charles’ money to fund my porno watching. I’m glad you corrected me.”
I’m not going to lie, the air immediately thickens with tension. The smile falls off of Cecilia’s face in 0.2 seconds and she looks like she might murder me. “You think you’re funny?”
“No,” I take a step closer, “I think I was exploited for trying to teach you a lesson.”
She doesn’t back down though. Cecilia has a backbone strong enough to carry this entire family. She takes a step toward me and looks me in the eye with burning fury. “What was the lesson? Bow down to the all mighty man?”
Cecilia actually makes me snort. She’s the full package, I’ll give her that. Every second that I spend with her, I want to know more about her. “Speak with respect.”
“You don’t speak to me with respect,” Cecilia responds quickly. “Respect is a two-way street. Why should I respect you when you showed up in my home and immediately threw me over your lap and started disrespecting me?”
I hate to admit it, but she’s right. “Okay.” I run my eyes across the cut of her jawline and memorize the gold hues in her brown eyes. “Let’s talk. Tell me who Cecilia Hughes is. Tell me why you aren’t the girl who deserves what she got in her bedroom the other day.”
Her eyes widen a touch and her mouth opens in surprise. “What?”
“I hear you and I’m listening. So talk to me. What makes you different from the girl I thought you were?”
And just like that, Cecilia looks cowed. When given a little rope, she’s going to hang herself with it.