Page 33 of Tethered Hearts
It took all of Matt’s willpower not to slam his fist into the wall in the corridor as he staggered back to the lift. How could he have been so stupid? How did he not know Brie was dating that guy? Leaning against the wall in the lift, he shook his head. He would never have picked him as Brie’s type, sitting there in all his self-assured arrogance. But then, what would he know? He’d made such a fool of himself with those subtle touches and sweet caresses at the gala, all because he’d wanted to be close to her, and yet he’d blindly stepped into someone else’s territory. He’d never been that guy who stole someone else’s woman, and he wasn’t about to start now.
The lift doors slid open and he was carried along with the wave of people exiting on the ground floor. He spied Aunt Helen sitting at a table outside the café.
“How was she?” His aunt stood as he continued walking past, his cane stabbing at the ground with his frustration.
“She was asleep.” He hobbled along, making a beeline for the exit.
“Matt! Stop!” Footsteps clicked on the floor behind him. Confusion and frustration had caused him to make a fast escape, but now he was paying the price as fire licked up his legs. Leaning on his cane, he waited for Aunt Helen to catch up as he caught his breath. “What’s the matter?” Her hand closed over his wrist.
“She has a boyfriend,” he said, turning away as he silently cursed his legs for not moving any faster. How he yearned to go for a run to get rid of his frustration. His embarrassment. His confusion. Running had always been in his bones, and a surefire way to de-stress. Now he had a ton of pent-up energy he couldn’t get rid of.
“Are you sure?” Aunt Helen linked her arm through his, supporting him as he shuffled through the exit doors.
“Yes, I’m sure. He’s up there in her room. That real estate guy whose face is everywhere.”
“Hmm. I don’t …”
“Just leave it,” he snapped. “Please. I’m sorry. I don’t want to talk about it.” And he didn’t need anyone to tell him he was a fool for getting his hopes up. For falling hard. For thinking that someone like Brie would ever fall for someone like him. Of course, Brie would be with someone like Brett. He was good-looking and able-bodied. What on earth could he offer her beyond a conversation at the dog park and a lifetime of sitting on the sidelines? She deserved so much more than that.