Page 8 of Queen’s Sacrifice
“A goodbye letter, telling my brother that you left, and you don’t want to be found.”
My brows rise. “So Hades doesn’t know I’m here?”
Ares bares his teeth, coming closer and closer until he can grab my arm. “Will you do it or not?”
“I think you and I both know that ship has sailed.”
He gives me a hard shake. “Pregnant women disappear all the time, lassie. They just up and vanish, never to be seen or heard from again. Do you want to join the dead ones? Or will you be fucking reasonable, sign the goddamned letter, and take off into the sunset of your own volition?”
He grips my arm hard enough that I cry out.
“Okay! Stop!”
He releases me, looking completely disgusted. “I have the letter all ready to go. Follow me.”
I swallow hard as he disappears and trail after him, my arms still throbbing from his handprint.