Page 97 of Queen’s Sacrifice
Magda gives me a little push and I start walking toward them. I swallow and search for Hades’ face.
My gaze catches his. He looks so smart standing at the end of the aisle in his blue and gold kilt, his crisp white shirt, his black waistcoat, and his black bowtie. Just a glance at him and he takes my breath away.
Magda murmurs in my ear. “Here, let me take the baby.”
I let her take Maggie. My eyes are only for Hades. Looking at him makes me breathless with happiness.
I’m here to become his wife.
He chose me.
That fact has me overwhelmed already and not a single word has been exchanged yet.
I run the last couple of steps, right into Hades’ arms. He catches me, grinning.
“You look…” He bites his lower lip. “Radiant.”
I blush. “Thank you. You look so handsome and distinguished.”
He smirks down at me, then leans close to whisper in my ear. “You should probably step back. Everyone is waiting.”
Turning a vibrant pink, I step back. The priest stands between Hades and I, looking at both of us with something like contentment.
“Are you ready to begin?”
I nod, eager to have the ceremony bit over with. The priest clears his throat.
“We are gathered here today to witness the union of Hades and Penny. Today is the beginning of a remarkable journey for this couple. Drawing on their mutual admiration, respect, and trust, they are ready to embark on the next chapter in their lives.”
He pauses for a second, then continues.
“I will now invite the couple to share their vows with one another. Hades and Penny, the promises you make today are sacred; they are the groundwork from which your marriage will grow and blossom over time.”
I beam at Hades. It’s hard to tell, but there is definitely an undercurrent of emotion running through his eyes.
“Hades, would you like to begin first?” the priest asks.
Hades clears his throat. When he speaks, his voice is rough.
“Penny, today ye will become my wife. A Lyon. I thought that I would trek this world forever without ever knowing love. But then…”
He cuts off, swallowing, before he continues.
“I found you. And in all the ways that matter, you saved me. I promise to love you with all my heart, from now until eternity. I promise to give you and our daughter everything that I ever lacked as a child. And I promise that I will always be there for you.”
I start crying sometime during that statement. My heartbeat races and it’s all I can do not to hide my face and sob. The priest smiles at me.
“Penny, your turn.”
I suck in a wavering breath. “Hades, today you will become my husband. I thought that my chance to be happy had come and gone. When I met you, I hated you. Hated what I thought you stood for. How wrong I was. And I’m so glad to be giving you and Maggie all my love, for the rest of my life.”
I suck in a breath.
“I promise to love you with all my heart, from now until eternity. I cannot wait to begin building our life together.”
The priest smiles. “Hades and Penny, it's time to join hands.”
We join hands, clutching at one another, gazing at each other. For me, Hades is the only star in the night sky. The priest’s voice floats down to my ears, disembodied.