Page 21 of Marrying Hope
“Hope.” Zander’s voice breaks my pondering. “I’m glad we could talk to you and we’re really grateful for your time.” It feels like it’s something he would say when ending a business meeting.
“You’re welcome.” The three words have just left my mouth when the smoke alarm blares.
“Shit!” I run to the kitchen.
With all the interruption,I forgot to set the timer on the oven!
My heart hurts seeing the damage.
There’s smoke coming out of the oven and the burnt smell is everywhere. I quickly rush inside and open the oven door. In haste, my hand goes straight to the smoke oozing out and a hiss escapes me.
“Take it easy.” Zander joins me and gently pushes me to the side. Putting on the oven mitts, he carefully takes out the burned and blackened cake pans, which only makes me sadder.
All the cake bases are burned, and I don’t know how I will finish tomorrow’s orders.
I realize that Zane has opened the windows, but unlike his brothers, Zach stands by the door with Ray next to him.
My breath hitches at the sight. For a moment, I glance at Zach and can’t help but wonder if that’s how my boy is gonna look when he grows up.
“That’s a lot of cake,” Zander says once all the pans and molds holding black, burnt cake bases are sitting on the counter.
“I’m a baker.”
“And that’s where I saw you.” Zach whistles. “You’re the baker who makes those superheroes cupcakes.”
“Yes. Ma does,” Ray gushes and I feel he’s enjoying this unusual evening too much.
But then recognition hits me, and I glance at Zach. “You offered a hundred-dollar tip to Holly when you picked up cupcakes for your sister-in-law’s party.”
“Yes, for Rose, she’s Zander’s wife.” Zach nods before motioning toward Zander.
“You’re very talented, Hope. Those cakes were a huge hit.” Zander smiles at me.
I give him a tiny smile, even though his appreciation doesn’t reach my heart at this moment. With this batch of cakes burned, I’m now not only short on time but also on ingredients. My stomach quivers as self-pity starts to crawl up my spine. I’ll now have to buy ingredients from the twenty-four-hour store as the regular grocery store is already closed. I grimace. I’ll be paying almost double for everything. I hope I can at least still maintain my professional reputation in the community.
I glance at the three men still here. I’m about to tell them they really need to leave now because I don’t have even a second to waste, when Zander says, “We’re sorry for this.” His gaze slides to my counter. “Can we help in some way?” I shake my head. There’s nothing they can do. “Then we won’t take more of your time.”
“But we would like to visit again. I also have to fulfill my promise to my buddy.”
My head jerks up when Zach high-fives Ray. “What promise?”
Zach looks at me in surprise and his confused gaze stays on me for a while. Does he think I won’t care about the arrangements he’s making with my boy?
“I’ll tell you, Ma.” Ray giggles, bringing my attention to him.
The three men finally leave, wishing me a good night. But they just have no idea how not good this night will be.
I kiss Ray’s forehead and tuck him in bed while Mom starts to read his bedtime story. After returning to the kitchen, I quickly make a list of what all I need before grabbing my purse.