Page 68 of Marrying Hope
When I step out, I find Zach sitting on the bed.
“What happened? Is Ray up?” I ask hurriedly.
“He’s fine, Hope. He’s sleeping,” Zach says coolly, too coolly in fact. I wait for him to explain the reason for his unexpected presence in my room and I don’t have to wait long. In his usual Zach Teager style, he throws another bomb at me. “We’re married. We should share a bedroom like all other couples.”
“The contract is between us and no one else needs to know about it. We made a big decision for Ray today and we want to make this work, don’t we?” When I nod, a simple smile appears on his uncharacteristically resolute face. “Then come with me, Hopper.”
I follow him into his bedroom with quivering steps. What other insanity is this man going to propose tonight?
This is the first time I’ve stepped in Zach’s room. After William told me the right side of the suite is a part of Zach’s den and bedroom, I’ve kept my distance from it. We already encroached on his privacy, but not enough it seems.
He turns the doorknob to his bedroom, which is almost as big as the living room. I notice that one part of it is converted into a gym.
Hmm, so this is where he’s burning all the extra calories from the sugar he wolfs down.
My curious gaze finally shifts to his perfectly made bed, with gray bedsheets and several silver and black throw pillows. My heart leaps in my throat.
“I’d like to take the couch?” I blurt.
A silence stretches in the room until Zach clears his throat and I look at him. He twists the knot of his tie, something I have seen him doing when he’s unsure of something.
Thank God, this is weird for him too.
“Hope, this is your room too. You can sleep wherever you like. If you are more comfortable on the couch, take it. Though I should have thought it through better. This couch is too small,” he speaks to himself as his fingers swiftly type something on his phone.
He finally slides the phone back in his jacket and looks around. “Oh yes. Come with me.” Zach leads me to a built-in closet that is half empty.
When did he have time for this?
“I couldn’t sleep last night.” He smiles sheepishly and his familiar crooked grin feels a little reassuring amid all the changes. “You can move your stuff tomorrow. If you need more space, feel free to throw some of my things out.”
“Don’t worry. I have no interest in touching your dresser. I don’t want to open your underwear drawer.”
“Knock yourself out. I sifted through yours, you can happily return the favor. I don’t mind.” Zach smirks at me, looking like the same insane guy who showed up at my doorstep every evening and demanded a piece of cake.
“You are incorrigible.” My mood is much lighter than it has been through this day.
“Are you sleepy?” he asks as we step out of the closet. He places a duvet and pillow on the couch for me.
“Not really. My mind is too wild to sleep.”
“Me too. Let’s watch a movie.” He passes me a remote control before removing his jacket. “You pick something, and I’ll ask William to make us some popcorn and fetch some wine.”
“You’ll wake William up? Now? It’s already eleven. Can’t you make it yourself?” I flop on the couch and turn on the TV.
“I eat. That’s the only relation I have with the kitchen.” Zach raises an eyebrow while I’m left wondering how this man cannot know how to use a microwave.
I place the remote back in his hands. “You select a movie, and I will get us popcorn.”
“What are you in the mood for?” he asks when I’m about to leave the room.
“Surprise me.”
When I return with a bowl of buttered popcorn, Zach does surprise me with his selection.
“Really?” I nod toward the screen where the opening credits ofCharlie’s Angelsis playing.