Page 11 of Shady
“Sure, let me just enjoy a party full of rich pricks. Just my style,” I mutter as Shady walks away, leaving me in the middle of what looks like it’s normally the living room but isn’t a living room right now.
I grab another flute off a tray as another waiter in a suit comes through the crowd. I throw back the expensive champagne and walk deeper into the house until I reach the kitchen. I spot what looks like a back door, and right now I could use some air.
To my surprise, the doors lead to another porch. The porch must wrap around the entire first level of the house. As soon as the air hits me the tension in my shoulders starts to ease.
I turn around and lean back on the rails. Through the window, I can see straight into the house. I don’t understand. Five years ago, Shady ran from all of this. She ran from this lifestyle, from me. But she found herself right back in the same cesspool of shit, of lies and deceit, of the rich people who will stomp on you to get richer, or end up in prison or dead trying.
Why is she here?
My phone vibrates in my pocket. When I pull it out, Nathan’s name on the screen. He’s been calling every day, a few times a day, since I got here. I’ve ignored his calls, but I won’t be able to keep ignoring him for much longer.
I hit the green button and bring the phone to my ear as I look out upon their massive back yard. “Hey buddy. What’s up?”
“Don’t ‘hey buddy’ me. You’ve gone silent for a week now. Did you tell her?”
“What exactly do you want me to fucking tell her? That even from the grave the old man is still trying to control her life? Yeah, let me just jump on that. She’s not a pawn, Nathan. She’s got a life here.” I growl into the phone.
“I’ve got a business to run. You wanted to do shit your way and I let you given all your . . . history, but I can’t keep this game up. Either you tell her, or I’ll come and tell her myself.”
“Nah, man. That is not a good idea. She ran from your dad, and she’ll run from you too. Then we’ll have to start this shit all over. Do you really want to wait another five years to find her ass?”
“Whatever, bro. Just fucking tell her before the old man rolls out of his grave and kills me, okay?” I can hear the exhaustion in his voice.
“I’ll tell her, but then I don’t owe you nothing after that. We’re even.” I hang up before he can reply.
I grip the rail as I drop my phone back into my pocket. How did this shit get so messed up?
“What aren’t you telling me?” Shady’s gravelly voice has an edge to it. I turn around and find her standing in front of me, her eyes like daggers.