Page 1 of Mafia Daddy's Virgin
“I don’t know why I let you guys drag me into this!” I told my friends, having to raise my voice to even be heard over the loud music in the club.
The club-life has never been my scene, always preferred to be in my bedroom, curled up with a good book that would take me into a whole different world in my imagination. As a college student, the only thing that has been in my life has been studying and preparing for each test, for every project. It has been my life ever since my parents abandoned me when I was young, and I was thrown into the foster care system. I wanted to make a good life for myself where I wouldn’t have to worry about anything, and not have to deal with terrible people who seek to use me.
“Come on, Ava, you need to live a little!” My best friend yelled back, already a little tipsy.
My best friend, Sasha, and I have been together ever since we were little. She was there when my parents abandoned me, and even though there wasn’t much she could do while I was in the foster system, she stayed in touch, and we went to the same college together. And Sasha, she was something that I could never be.
With her long, wavy blonde hair that was like a golden halo around her head and her pretty blue eyes lit up like the clear blue sky. Her skin was fair, clear of blemishes, and her slim figure attracted all the men’s attention. She wore a mini skirt and a crop top, showing off her body because she was confident in what she looked like. She was just utter perfection.
Unlike me.
Being taller than most girls I know at five-eight, I was at a bit of a disadvantage. I have pale skin, and it’s not because I don’t go out in the sun. It just seems like I don’t tan, so I always look so sicky. My body is much curvier than other girls, fuller in the breasts, hips, and butt. My shiny black hair has been cut into a pixie style, and my eyes were a dark blue color. I’d like to think I was pretty, but sometimes, I didn’t feel that way at all.
Our other friends, Abigail and Jesse, we met during college, and sometimes I feel like they’re only friends with me because of Sasha. They were just like her with slim bodies, and luscious hair and all the guys wanted them. It was sad but expected, but their next words hurt.
“Come on, Sasha, Ava is a bit of a dull!” Jesse laughed, a sort of malicious look in her eyes that made me feel like a hole had opened up beneath me, dragging me under, “you should’ve known inviting her to the club was just going to be a downer.”
It was like a punch to the gut, but I quickly masked my expression, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of knowing she hurt me with her words. Sasha almost instantly looked ashamed, reaching out to loop her arm around mine.
“Jesse, that’s rude.” Sasha said, shaking her head, “just because Ava isn’t into this kind of life, that doesn’t mean you should just treat her with that sort of disrespect. Please apologize.”
Jesse scoffed, rolling her eyes, “fine, I’m sorry you’re such a buzzkill, Ava.”
Sasha looked pissed, opening her mouth to no doubt tell Jesse off, but I decided to step in, “it’s whatever, Jesse, it’s just nice to know how you really think of me. I’m going to go get myself a drink.”
I pulled away from Sasha, ignoring her calling out my name as I whipped around, walking away from them. I pushed through the crowd of people, heading for the bar. I could smell the nasty smell of sweat in the air, people grinding against one another, and making out on the walls. My nose wrinkled in slight disgust, wondering if this was really what people thought to be as a good time.
Sighing, I leaned against the bar, catching the bartender’s attention, “can I get a sex on the beach, please?”
The bartender nodded his head, fixing my drink. It was all going well I thought, feeling like I was finally away from the cluster of bodies around me. That is until I felt someone come up behind me, grinding themselves into me. I instantly felt nauseated, glancing over my shoulder to see a frat boy grinning at me, the intoxication clearly on his face.
“Ava, it’s so good to see you here.” He slurred out, placing his filthy hands on me, “come dance with me.”
Just what I wanted to deal with tonight.