Page 10 of Mafia Daddy's Virgin
The date with Brigham had gone wonderful, and as the weeks passed, I felt us becoming closer with each passing day. Since it was getting so late on the first date, Brigham decided to just take me to dinner, where we ended up having a nice dinner at this nicer restaurant called Four Quarters. It had a weird name, that much was obvious, but the food there was phenomenal. Brigham and I just talked over dinner, forgetting about everything that had happened earlier, and a part of me just wanted to give him a chance.
To let him prove himself to me.
He didn’t even try anything afterward.
Brigham took me home, walking me up to my door. I debated on inviting him in, but all he did was take my hand, pressing his lips against my knuckles before he would wish me a good night, and walk away. We did not see each other every day, but he would text me as he could. From what I could understand, it was because of his job that sometimes he wouldn’t be able to talk to me, but that was okay. I didn’t need to talk to him all the time, but at times, I would find myself missing him.
I was trying to not get attached, but I was slowly losing that battle.
I haven’t seen Brigham in a few days because of his work and my schooling, but we decided now to spend the weekend together. He was supposed to be off work for a few days, and he wanted to spend it with me. It caused my heart to flutter, and I have been anxiously awaiting these past few days to see him.
Time seems to go much slower when you really want something.
I haven’t seen much of Sasha or her friends, having been avoiding them as much as possible. After saying what she did to me, I didn’t know how to speak to her about everything that was going on, knowing that I really didn’t think that she was going to be supportive at all. She would claim to me that I didn’t know who Brigham was and that he was using me.
Because he was handsome.
It was the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
Especially from her text messages.
I’m sorry, Ava, I don’t see why you’re mad at me. I was only looking out for you.
People have been telling me about you smiling at your phone, and acting differently.
Did you end up dropping that guy? Seemed to be too good to be true.
And her last message, it was progressively worse.
Ava, that guy you’re seeing… he isn’t who he seems. He’s dangerous. Please call me as soon as you get this.
I never called her back, and that was just yesterday. It’s a little easy to avoid her at the university because we don’t have the same classes together. I’ve always had to be supportive of her choices; I wish she would do the same for mine.
It was a little annoying.
The knocking on the apartment door was the one thing that pulled me out of my thoughts. I jumped to my feet, trying to not seem too excited as I went to the door, pulling it open. My mouth ran dry as I saw Brigham standing there, dressed in faded jeans and a fitted black t-shirt that clung to his body. You could easily see the definition of his muscles, his biceps bulging with each movement as he stepped through the doorway, carrying a big to-go box.
“What’s that?” I asked him curiously, shutting the door behind him.
“I brought a cake.” He told me, setting the box on the counter as he grinned at me, a twinkle in his eyes, “I remember you telling me that your favorite dessert was German chocolate cake, so I went and brought you one from this really good bakery that I know.”
“Aww, thank you!” I was really touched, a little surprised that he had even remembered that, “um, are you hungry? I know it’s a little late.”
“How about we have dessert and watch a movie?” He offered, stepping around the counter to get some plates and silverware.
“That sounds good.” I agreed, opening up the box, my mouth practically watering as I gazed upon the delicious cake in front of me, “I really wasn’t expecting you to do this, so thank you.”
Setting the plates on the counter before me, he looked up at me, smiling broadly, “anything for you… I’ve missed you.”
My heart practically skipped a beat, my cheeks burning as I ducked my head, not wanting him to see me turn as red as a tomato, “you’re just saying that.”
“I’m not.”
His husky response sent a shiver down my spine, and as I looked up, that’s when I saw the dark, heated look in his eyes as he gazed at me. I instantly knew that look, having seen it numerous times in his eyes but have yet to do anything about it yet. I knew what I wanted, but I was a little afraid that I would regret it. Seeing how Brigham and I no doubt come from two different kinds of worlds, would we being together be a good or a bad thing?
I drew in a deep breath, deciding to risk it all.