Page 10 of Fighting For Bailey
Nick felt something lift in his heart as he thought of his little girl. “She’s beautiful. Come see.”
He led his father to the elevator and the nursery. They stood in silence for a long moment, staring at his baby in her incubator. She was so small. A pacifier moved in her mouth, and her eyes squeezed shut as she slept.
“Look at how tiny her little fingers are. Isn’t she incredible?” Nick was still overwhelmed every time he saw her. “She’s mine, Dad. I can’t give her up.”
His father patted his shoulder. “Do yourself a favor, Nick. Get a paternity test taken establishing you are the father as soon as possible.”
Nick nodded and smiled with the knowledge that his dad would support him. “I will, Dad. Thanks.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked. “I would have liked to meet her mother.”
“I don’t know. I didn’t want to burden you. We were friends, nothing more, and didn’t plan to marry. Her parents didn’t approve, and I couldn’t face another battle. Once Shelley went into labor, too soon and very unexpectedly, everything happened so fast. Then Shelley died and all that mattered was saving Bailey. I didn’t want you to try and talk me out of keeping her.” He faced his dad. “I can’t let her go.”
“I understand.” He put his arm around Nick’s shoulder. “I’m here for you. When can you bring her home?”
Surprise filled him at his father’s words.
His dad laughed. “Don’t look so shocked. You can bring her home. At least until you get back on your feet. It will be nice to have a baby in the house again.”
“Thanks, Dad.”
They went back down to the lobby and saw nurse McDougal behind the counter.
“Hi, Keith,” his dad greeted as they approached. “We’re looking for the room they moved Gillian Jones into.”
“Barnes,” Nick corrected. “Gillian Barnes.” Nick wished he could have forgotten Gillian married someone else.
“She’s on the second floor,” Keith said. “Room 2B”
“Thank you. How’s that new bride of yours doing?” his dad asked.
Keith’s face lit up. “Jenn couldn’t be better. I’ll tell her you asked about her.”
His dad nodded, and they took the elevator up to the second floor. As they reached the room, the door opened, and the Joneses spilled into the hall. “Doc says she probably won’t wake until morning,” Mary said, tears staining her cheeks. “They want us to come back tomorrow.” She and Roger walked past them.
His dad started to follow, then stopped and turned back. “Are you coming?”
Nick looked at Gillian’s closed door. “In a little while. I want to check on her first.”
“All right. I’ll see you at home.”
Once his dad and the Joneses were gone, Nick opened Gillian’s door. He wanted to see her one more time, to make sure she was really okay. He pulled up a chair and sat by her bed. They had cleaned the blood from her face, but she still looked so pale and fragile. How could the sight of her still overwhelm him after all these years? The anger he’d once felt toward her was gone, replaced by the need to see her open those beautiful eyes of hers.
He longed to reach out and touch her, to run his thumb across her skin, to outline the perfect bow of her upper lip, to brush her silky blond hair back from her face. Instead, he took her hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Hey, Beautiful,” he said softly.
She didn’t stir.
“I know you’re sleeping. I just want you to know that I still love…” He broke off his words and dropped his head. The old pain fisted inside him. She hadn’t known what was important. She hadn’t realized how much he loved her. He shook his head. He hadn’t made sure she’d known. He hadn’t fought for her, and he’d lost.
He wouldn’t make that mistake again. He might have lost Gillian, but he wouldn’t give up on his daughter. He would make sure she knew that his love was more important than money or social standing. It would be hard to raise her on his own, but he loved her enough for two parents.
He would do whatever he had to do to keep his daughter. He needed to focus on the fight ahead of him. Unfortunately, Gillian was a heart-wrenching distraction he couldn’t afford. He lifted her hand to his lips and gave it a gentle kiss. “Take care of yourself, Beautiful.” Then without a backward glance, he walked out the door.