Page 28 of Fighting For Bailey
Nick tooka last look at the panda and followed Gillian out of the den. He hoped she was really okay, losing a baby, a marriage, finding out your husband is a criminal…it was a lot. He could understand why she wouldn’t want to tell her parents. The same reason he hadn’t wanted to tell his dad about Bailey. He supposed he never outgrew wanting his dad to be proud of him.
Now, he’d have to tell Gillian’s parents about Bailey and about the Reaves. Though, he wasn’t sure where to start. As they entered the kitchen, her mother was just putting the spaghetti on the table.
“That smells wonderful, Mary.”
“Thank you. It’s Gillian’s favorite.” Mary patted Gillian on the back as she placed a basket of bread next to the spaghetti. “So, who is Bailey?”
Nick took a seat at their kitchen table. “Bailey is my daughter.”
“What’s this?” Roger Jones walked into the room.
“Bailey was born prematurely last month. Unfortunately, her mother died right after she gave birth. So instead of raising her together, I’ll be raising her on my own.”
“Oh.” Mary’s hand went to her lips. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea.”
“Thank you. It’s not common knowledge.”
“I didn’t even know you were married,” Roger said, staring at him.
“We weren’t. We were just friends. Good friends,” Nick said, feeling slightly uncomfortable. He might as well get used to the feeling; he’d be telling this story a lot in the weeks to come.
“And the baby?” Mary asked, passing him the bowl of spaghetti.
“She’s doing great. Her name is Bailey, and the nurse said she’ll be ready to come home soon. Maybe even tomorrow.”
“We spent all afternoon shopping for baby supplies,” Gillian added.
“Oh my goodness. Well, you’ll have your hands full.”
“I certainly will,” Nick said with a smile.
“You should see her, Mom. She is adorable,” Gillian said as her mom scooped salad in her bowl.
“There is a couple at church. Their daughter…” She stopped talking.
There was a long pause while Nick waited for her to put the pieces together. He should have realized the Joneses would know the Reaves. They all went to the same church.His father’s church.
“Yes, Bailey’s mother was Shelley Reaves. We’ve been friends for years and used to live together in her house in Asheville.”
“That’s where you got your contractor’s license?” Roger asked.
“Yes. I worked for a general contractor there while I became certified.”
“And now you’re going to raise the baby alone?” Mary’s gaze moved to Gillian.
“Of course he is, Mom, with the help of his friends and his dad.”
“Are you sure about this, Nick?” Roger asked. “Raising a child, especially on your own…”
“I’m sure, Mr. Jones. After growing up without my mom, I could never leave my baby.”
Roger nodded as he filled his plate with pasta. “That’s very commendable of you.”
“I’m sure this is all going to come as quite a shock to Belinda. From what I’ve heard, she’s already hired a nanny and has the nursery ready,” Mary said, taking a bite.
“How can she do that?” Gillian demanded. “The baby isn’t even hers.”