Page 36 of Fighting For Bailey
“I think she is his baby, and no one has the right to take her away from him.”
Her mom set down the knife and looked at her. “I just want you to be sure you’re doing this for Nick and not so you can get closer to his baby.”
Gillian felt the blow clear to her heart. Tears burned behind her eyes. “Wow, Mom. I don’t think you’ve ever said anything more hurtful to me.” She pushed back from the table.
“I’m sorry, Gillian. I love and support you, very much. I’m just worried for you. That’s why I’m saying this. You need to know where your heart is before someone gets hurt.”
“You’re talking about Nick,” she stated.
“Yes. He was devastated when you broke up with him. Got into a lot of trouble. It took him a long time to pull himself out of it. I don’t want to see that happen to him again. That poor kid has been through so much.”
She thought of Nick’s lips on hers last night, his hands on her body. “He’s not a kid, Mom. He’s a man. He can handle a little hurt from me. What he shouldn’t have to handle is losing his child.”
“I get that. I’m sorry. My words are coming out all wrong.”
“I know I made a terrible mistake. I’ve made a lot of them. I didn’t know what I wanted, but worse, I didn’t value Nick or his love. I let him down. I was a kid, and I didn’t deserve him then. I might not even deserve him now, but I want to be there for him. I do love him; I think I always have.”
Her mom looked surprised. “Are you sure?”
“I wasn’t until this moment. Does that mean I think we can make it work? I don’t know. I have a lot of unfinished business to get through, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care for Nick and what happens to him and his baby. There isn’t anything I can do about the mess I’ve made of my life, but I can help him fight for his daughter.”
Tears entered her mom’s eyes, and she walked forward and hugged her. “That’s all I needed to hear. I’m so glad you’re home.”
“Me, too. I plan on staying this time. Even if I didn’t have Nick or Bailey in my life, this is where I belong. I know that now. I want to rebuild my life right here in Granite Falls, but first, I have to get a divorce from Paul.”
“You haven’t told us what happened. You don’t have to, not until you’re ready.”
“Thanks, Mom. I will. Soon.” Something caught her eye out the window. She frowned as she searched the tree line behind their house. Not a deer.Bigger. Was that a black overcoat? She stared harder, trying to discern what she was seeing as a chill seeped into her bones.
Someone was watching her.