Page 21 of Rule Number One
My eyes bulged. “No big deal? Are you kidding me? I was adisasterlast night, and then we ...” I closed my eyes and stopped, unable to utter the words.
“We what?” One brow crawled up.
“Nothing. Just ... nothing happened last night. I didn’t get wasted and proposition you. You never saw me. We are strangers.”
“We’re really gonna sit here and pretend we don’t know each other?”
I tightened my seatbelt so tight I struggled to breathe. “Yes. Because, the truth is, you don’t really know me. You met my drunken alter-ego. She’s a completely separate entity from me. In fact, let’s give her a name. Let’s call her ... Janice. Last night, you met Janice, and me, Ivy, has no idea what Janice got up to because we are, in fact, two totally different people. So, you and I don’t actually know each other. Okay?”
“Janice?” he snorted.
“Yes. Janice. Janice is a lunatic. A heartbroken, drunk, crazy person. Me, Ivy, is a stable, boring, regular person. A stable, boring regular person who is horrified that Janice used her body last night to go do Janice things.”
He leaned a little closer. “Well, if it makes you feel any better, I thought Janice was really cute and really fun.”
It should have made me feel better, but instead, I just thought of all the fun Janice must have had after I completely blacked out. Oh, God. I must have been a sloppy disaster in the sack ... which was surprisingly the thing that bothered me most suddenly. It wasn’t that I’d slept with the hottie sitting next to me, it was that I could only imagine how bad in bed I must have been ... and I was already feeling so self-conscious about that.
I squeezed my eyes shut for a few seconds. When I opened them again, and they connected with his sexy gaze, my stomach flipped like the plane had lifted off. “Please don’t say anything else about Janice. I don’t want to know. Seriously. I am literally begging you to just never utter another word about last night again. Please.”
He must have seen the desperation in my eyes because he slowly nodded his head. “Okay. Yeah. I’m sorry that I was making you feel uncomfortable. I was just having a little fun.”
“It’s fine,” I sighed. “But I am riddled with crippling anxiety right now about flying, which I hate, and about my decisions last night, which I also hate, so if I could just get through this flight in silence, I would be forever grateful to you.”
“No problem, Ivy. I’m pretty tired, so I’ll just close my eyes and get some sleep. Okay?”
“Yes. Okay.”
The anxiety reverberating inside me like plucked guitar strings softened as he closed his eyes.
“I’ll try not to snore. Lord knows you do.” He kept his eyes closed but gave me a soft smirk. “Night, Ivy.”
I slouched down in my seat and pulled out my book as I desperately tried to ignore the gorgeous man beside me and push aside the few embarrassing memories I had of our one night together.