Page 25 of Rule Number One
“You can. You can definitely do this. I’ll be right there with you.”
Instead of nodding in agreement, big tears filled the corners of her eyes. As they started slipping down her cheeks, my heart clenched in my chest seeing her so scared. I couldn’t stand the thought of anything making her feel that way.
“Why is this happening?” she softly whispered. “I just want this vacation to be over with. I want to go home.”
“We’ll figure it out. Don’t worry.”
I was surprised by the instinctual response to slide my arm around her slumped shoulders with a level of intimacy we didn’t share. Honestly, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d done it, but that didn’t stop me from comforting her. Ivy leaned against my chest as I squeezed her shoulder tight. For a moment, I closed my eyes and relished the feeling of her in my arms. It seemed surreal that once we got to Chicago, I probably wouldn’t see her again, and that thought was scarier than being on a plane with no landing flaps.
Then an idea popped into my mind. “You know what? Hold on. Just go sit down there for one second, okay?”
“Why? What are you doing? she asked.
“I need to go to the bathroom. Just sit there and wait. I’ll be right back.”
She did as I asked, and once she was safely seated, I hurried off to the restroom and pulled out my phone. After a couple of clicks on the screen, I changed my car rental reservation and headed back to Ivy.
She sat slumped down in her seat, clutching her purse with her little pink carry-on bag propped between her feet.
“So, I have a solution,” I said as I flopped into the chair beside her.
“What kind of solution?”
I grinned widely as she looked at me. “I just went online and changed my car rental pickup from Chicago to New York City. You and me are driving to Chicago!”
Her eyes went big. “What?”
My smile broadened. “Yep. You and me. Road trip, baby!”
“Road trip? Are ... are you serious right now?”
I nodded excitedly. “Hell yeah. Completely serious. I told you I love driving and road trips, and you don’t want to fly, so let’s do this thing. I have to pass right through Chicago to get to Door County, so I’ll just drop you off along the way. It’s only a twelve-hour drive, so we can get you home in no time at allandkeep you on the ground the whole way.”
She stared at me, blinking, her slack jaw not forming any words.
“What do you say? All you need to do is kick back and relax, and I’ll handle the driving and the snacks.”
Her wide eyes softened. “You ... you would really do that for me? You’d drive halfway across the country so I don’t have to get back on a plane?”
Even though part of that answer was true, I was doing it partly for me too. Getting to spend over twelve hours in a car with this woman who was driving me wild seemed like a hell of a good idea to me.
“Yep. I promised you I’d keep you safe. And if you don’t want to fly again, then this is the solution. So, what do you say? Road trip partners?”
She continued staring at me, blinking, then palmed her face. “I can’t even believe I’m saying this since we are virtually strangers, and it goes againsteverythingI’ve ever been taught about getting into cars with strangers, but ...”
I held my breath, awaiting her answer.
“What the hell. Yeah. Let’s do it. I don’t see any other better options to get home that don’t involve near-death experiences on a plane.”
“Yes!” I shouted too loudly, attracting the attention of the people nearby, then lowered my voice. “Sorry. I mean, hell yeah. I fucking love trips.”
“Just promise me you won’t turn out to be some serial killer or crazy person?” She arched an eyebrow.
“I promise. And let’s not forget you were completely wasted and asleep at my house just last night, and I didn’t murder you, so I think you can feel safe riding in a car with me for eight hundred miles.”
She pulled her lip between her teeth. “Okay, fine. But promise you won’t bring up last night again? We make a pact right here and now that you don’t mention it again. Never happened.”
I lifted my hand. “Promise.”