Page 19 of Dare to be Naughty
Turning to face her, Hayden ran a finger lightly along the side of her neck. Then he eased his hand over her throat, catching it lightly in his grip.
Dahlia shivered at his touch, her eyes widening behind the mask, her lips parting as she stared up at him. “Oh,” she sighed, a sweet, yielding look suffusing her features.
Leaning down so his mouth was close to her ear, Hayden murmured, “For him, it’s hot wax, for you”— he added just a touch of tension to his grip—“it’s a strong hand around your throat, a primal gesture of dominant control that speaks to the submissive inside you.”
Dahlia made a soft sound in her throat as she stared up at him. She made no move to stop him, or to pull away. He could feel her excitement and nervous energy, as if it were an actual electrical current buzzing along her skin. How he wanted to squeeze tighter, and then tighter still, not releasing her until it pleased him to do so. She would stare up at him with wild eyes, her face reddening, her heart hammering, her nipples engorged, her cunt soaking wet. He would take her to the very edge, cutting off her ability to breathe, her very life in his hands…
Hayden abruptly let her go and took a step back before he lost control. Dahlia didn’t move for several seconds.
Then, as if once more emerging from a trance, she tossed her hair and gave a small laugh. “Got it. Different strokes for different folks.” She turned away, facing the dungeon at large. “What’s next?” she asked. He got the impression she was going for strident, even cocky, but a slight quaver in her voice belied her words.
He brought her next to one of his personal favorites, the bondage wheel. A small crowd had gathered, making it impossible for them to stand side-by-side. Instead, Hayden gestured for Dahlia to stand just in front of him, as he could easily see over her head.
He recognized Cameron Lord with his partner, Jess. She was bound to the wheel, her wrists and ankles tethered to the circumference, forcing her into a human X. Her long, coppery auburn hair hung in loose curls past her shoulders. Her body gleamed with sweat. She wore nothing but her slave collar and a red leather thong that barely covered her sex.
Brandon, one of the house slaves, was spinning her slowly in a full circle as Cameron snapped his thin, whippy cane over her fair skin, already streaked with pink welts.
“Oh, my god,” Dahlia cried softly, bringing her hands to her mouth. Hayden moved closer until his chest was pressed against her back. He could feel her heart beating fast as a hummingbird’s wings against his chest.
She leaned back into him as he brought his arms around her waist. They watched together in silence as Cameron expertly snapped the whistling cane against Jess’s body, while Brandon continued to turn the wheel.
When Cameron tapped the cane against Jess’s inner thighs in a rapid series of stinging strokes, she cried out for the first time, her eyes bright with tears behind the mask.
Dahlia stiffened against Hayden, her breathing audible. “Oh my god,” she said breathlessly, the shock evident in her tone and the sudden rigidity in her body.
“Shh,” he murmured into her ear. “It’s okay. He knows what he’s doing.”
As if he’d heard Hayden, Cameron paused. “Do you want me to stop, darling?”
“No, Sir,” Jess breathed fervently. “Please, no, Sir. I’m almost there…” She trailed off in a sigh, her eyes fluttering shut.
“Yes,” Cameron crooned in response. He flicked the tip of the cane over her already-marked breasts, each flick drawing a low, primal moan from Jess’s lips. Then it happened—Jess’s breathing slowed and deepened, every bit of lingering tension leaving her body as her head fell back.
Cameron dropped the cane and moved closer to her. He gently stroked her face as he murmured in her ear. Jess didn’t move a muscle or make a sound. A kind of deep peace shimmered around her, almost palpable in the air.
At a nod from Cameron, Brandon at once crouched to release her ankles, while Cameron freed her wrists. As Jess fell forward, Cameron gathered her into his arms. Cradling her against his chest, he brought his mouth to hers. She circled her arms around his neck as they kissed. The lingering onlookers burst into spontaneous applause, and even Dahlia sighed happily.
As he watched the pair, so obviously in love, Hayden experienced a sudden spasm of pure jealousy that was new to him. As powerful as BDSM was for him, he’d never felt that kind of connection with anyone.
He’d neverwantedthat kind of connection, he reminded himself. That was a huge part of why he’d worked himself up to the rank of Head Master. He got his pick of every lovely slave girl and sub who crossed the threshold. Why limit himself to just one woman, when there were literally dozens ready and eager to submit?
Anyway, this evening wasn’t about him. Far more important was Dahlia’s reaction. It was evident she’d been strongly affected by everything she’d seen. He was convinced now, more than ever, that she was a natural—a submissive diamond in the rough.
“Let’s take a break,” he suggested, placing an arm around her shoulders.
“Yes,” she agreed with a small laugh. “All I did was watch, but for some reason, I’m wiped out.”
“It’s a lot to process,” Hayden agreed as they made their way to a quiet corner where a privacy screen had been set up. Dropping his arm from her shoulder, he reached back and untied the satin ribbons that held his mask in place.
“It’s okay as long as we stay back here,” he said. “You can take yours off, too.”
With a nod, she untied her mask. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes bright. Her lips glistened in the soft light, the tip of her pink tongue just visible on her lower lip. He was excited to hear in her own words how strongly the scenes had affected her. Maybe she’d even ask him, then and there, for a scene of their own.
“So,” he said, keeping his tone light, “what do you think so far? Pretty powerful stuff, huh?”
“Holy cow,” she blurted, charming him with the old-fashioned phrase. “It was something else, all right. I had no idea this kind of thing actually happened in real life, and on such a scale. I admit, I’m fascinated and more than a little intrigued.”
“All good,” Hayden replied, encouraged by her words.