Page 53 of My Perfect Enemy
Things between Lunaand I were going better than I ever imagined. It had been two weeks since we started this... arrangement, and I still couldn’t keep my hands off her. The moment she walked into a room, I was as hard as steel and raring to go.
She’d relented on her no-sex-in-the-office rule nearly as soon as she made it, and since then, we’d been tearing at each other’s clothes every available opportunity we got. Now that Evan was no longer grounded and had even made some friends, a few of my evenings freed up. During those hours, I managed to sneak away to Luna’s house, determined to make the most of every clandestine visit I could get. There’d yet to be another sleepover after that first one, but I was currently maneuvering pieces to make it happen as soon as fucking possible.
I couldn’t get enough of her: her smell, her laugh, her smile, the clever things she’d say. The way she wrapped around me when I drove inside of her. I was quickly becoming addicted to everything about her, and it went against every instinct I had not to push for more.
It wasn’t just about the sex. I wanted her, but I knew giving voice to those emotions was the fastest way to send her running. I wasn’t a stupid man; she had one foot out the door at all times, just looking for a reason to pull the plug on us. But I also knew she was feeling the same things I was.
I saw it in the way she looked at me when she thought I couldn’t see, in the brightness of the smile when she forgot to keep that guard up. I saw it in the way her eyes glistened every time I sank deep inside her, and felt it in the way she touched me, how she held on tight, like she was afraid I would drift through her fingers like smoke.
The past year had been so full of chaos, I hadn’t seen Luna coming. She sneaked up on me like a goddamn ninja, burrowing her way under my skin and into my bones. I hadn’t expected those kinds of feeling for anyone, but most especially her. She’d gone from being my enemy to the one thing I couldn’t hold on to tight enough. I wanted all of her. I wanted to make her happy, and I knew, if she just gave me a chance, I could. But I had to tread carefully, I was playing the long game. Patience was key, something I wasn’t necessarily known for. But for her I would try.
Her moans turned to whimpers as her walls tighten around my driving cock. My balls drew up and I had to fight back the need to pour myself inside her. I wanted to make this last as long as possible. I wanted to feel every quiver and quake from her release.
“Oh, God. Nate. It’s so good.”
She had that right. It was bliss. Pure, unadulterated, agonizing bliss. From my vantage point standing over her, I could see my cock slide in and out, glistening with her arousal. The view alone was enough to send me over, but not before her. Never before her.
“Get there, moonbeam,” I ordered, as I reached between her thighs to press my thumb against that bundle of nerves. She was already close, I could feel it in how tight she was squeezing me. That one touch was all it took to send her soaring over the edge. Her arms flew up over her head, her knuckles white from gripping the edge of my desk, and I rode her through it, pounding into her hot, wet sheath.
Her walls clenched around me like a vise as she called out my name, her pussy squeezing until I couldn’t possibly hold back any longer. I exploded with a curse, stars bursting behind my eyelids as intense, almost painful, pleasure slammed into me. Every goddamn time. I never got used to how good it was.
“I’ll never get used to this,” she panted, mirroring my thoughts as her breath came in short bursts, like she just ran a marathon. “How good it always is. Every single time. It doesn’t make sense; we should’ve worked each other out of our systems by now.”
I forced my shaky limbs to cooperate, pulling out of her and holding out a hand to help her sit up. “Careful there, moonbeam. You’re dangerously close to bruising my ego.”
She let out a tired laugh, smacking me weakly in the belly with the back of her hand before hopping off my desk on wobbly legs and readjusting her skirt. “You know that’s not what I meant.” She smiled at me, and any animosity I’d been feeling washed away. Her skin was flushed with pleasure, her hair slightly mussed in the most perfect way. She was beautiful always, but like this... Christ, she took my breath away. “If anything, it was a compliment.”
“Then I’ll try to take it as such,” I muttered at I tucked my spent dick back into my pants. “Come over tonight.” The words spilled out before I could stop them, but I would have been lying if I said I regretted them.
She looked at me with bright eyes, the amber depths sparkling with curiosity. “To your apartment?”
“Last I checked, that was still where I lived.”
“Much to Evan’s dismay,” she said with a throaty, sexy laugh. That was another thing I hadn’t been expecting, just how close she and my daughter had become. For the past couple weeks, they’d been two peas in a pod. Evan would swing by the office almost every day after school before starting her shift at my parents’ store, and the two of them would sit and giggle and snicker at God only knew what. Being the parent, and a male, I’d been told on multiple occasions that I wouldn’t understand what it was they were talking about. Part of me worried, but the other part was grateful I didn’t have to hear about it.
At some point, Evan had gone to Luna for makeup tips, because the next thing I knew, the raccoon eyeliner was gone, and my baby girl’s natural beauty was put on display for everyone to see. I’d loved it at first, until she started coming home and telling me about the boys in her classes who had suddenly started talking to her.
She and Luna had even exchanged numbers and texted from time to time, and one weekend, I took Evan back over to Luna’s, not so she could clean, but so Luna could teach her more about gardening. They’d spent the entire day at it without once coming up for air. I was pretty sure if I hadn’t brought them something to eat, they would have skipped every meal.
I loved that my girl had a woman in her life she could share those kinds of experiences with. Even before Amber proved herself to be the worst mother on the planet, she hadn’t done those kinds of things with her daughter. She couldn’t be bothered.
“I see you and my girl are still ganging up on me about that.”
“There are a million beautiful rental properties around town,” she said as she tucked her blouse back into her skirt. “Or hell, you could buy something.” She waggled her brows before adding, “You know you can afford it.”
Whether or not I could afford it wasn’t the issue. It was the simple fact I hadn’t found anything I liked enough to invest in. “I’ll find something eventually. In the meantime, the apartment works.” I circled back around to the original topic, refusing to let her off the hook. “So, tonight?”
Trepidation shone in her eyes as she asked, “Is Evan going over to a friend’s house or something?”
And there it was. “No. She’ll be home. I just figured, you could come over and we could all hang out. I’ll cook a dinner that’ll knock you on your ass, then maybe the three of us can watch a movie or something?”
She let out a heavy sigh. “Nate.” I knew that tone, the hint of warning it held. And I fucking hated it. “You know we can’t do that.”
I wanted to throw my arms out and ask why the fuck not, but before I got a chance, the sensor I’d installed on the front door so Luna and I wouldn’t be caught with our pants down—literally—rang out, alerting me that we had a visitor.
“That’ll be your two thirty, Ms. Hassleback,” Luna said, snapping right back into assistant mode perfectly. “I’ll be right outside if you need me.”