Page 23 of Half of My Heart
Robert welcomes us into Jenna’s condo and the first person Avery sees is Jax. She screams out his name and runs into his open arms. I watch in jealousy as he picks up my child, holds her high and then proceeds to give her a tight hug before holding her on his hip. My anger seethes that I’m not close enough with her yet to get that same reaction out of her and I can’t mask my hatred for him at this moment.
“Cal and Rose, you’re back!” She waves at us but stays in his arms. I’m about to extract her from him when the site of Jenna snags all my attention.
She appears from her bedroom in a long, navy, beaded lace cocktail dress that hugs her hips and bodice with a V-neckline that shows off the top of her breasts. Her hair is pulled down into a whimsical low bun at the base of her neck with tendrils of hair curled around her face. She’s wearing heavy eye make-up with fake eyelashes but with nude lipstick that I want to kiss right off those lips. She looks stunning, momentarily rendering me speechless with her beauty. She gives me a hesitant smile and nods in my direction, but stays rooted in her spot, seemingly indecisive on who she should go to first.
I make my way further into the hallway to go to her when I notice out of the corner of my eye movement coming from Avery’s bedroom. I turn to my right to see Layla, Jenna’s best friend, coming out of the room, a weary expression on her face as she acknowledges me.
“It’s nice to see you again, Layla. May I introduce you to my mother?” I make the introductions and I try to give Layla a hug hello, but she stops me from doing so.
“Sorry, Cal, but I’ve hated your guts these past four years and really don’t know how I feel about seeing you. No offense, Mrs. Harrington,” she says, giving my mom a genuine smile, but for me, one that is a little bit more reserved.
“Seems to be the consensus in this place,” I tease and look in Jenna’s direction to see her smirk at my answer.
“Well, can you blame us?” Layla demands and I shake my head at her because their feelings were one hundred percent valid.
“No, I can’t. And even though I’m sure at the time you thought it was devastating, I’m forever grateful to you for telling whoever you told about Avery.” Despite her feelings toward me, I grab her and give her a tight hug even though she doesn’t return it.
I like to believe that I would’ve found out about Avery from Thomas, but what if I never hired him? If it wasn’t for Layla, the truth would’ve been kept from me underneath the umbrella of lies that were spun. I meant what I said about my gratitude towards her. She gives me an awkward smile when I let her go and just pats my arm, her uncomfortableness with the situation clearly on display.
“Wow, Avery, look at your mommy. Isn’t she gorgeous?” Jax’s statement diverts my attention and I watch Jenna beam at him. Her smile is a punch to my gut because that’s exactly how I want her to be looking at me.
Jax carries Avery over to Jenna and they engulf her in a group hug. They look like a picture-perfect happy family and when he whispers something in her ear and kisses her full on the lips, my vision turns red. I feel my mother’s hand on my arm, and she squeezes. I look over at her and her eyes are begging me not to do anything. I nod and mentally count to ten. I will not physically harm Jax Morrow, but I will gladly beat him at his mental mind fuck.
Jenna is the first one to pull away, glancing at me with an uncomfortable smile. “Has everyone been introduced?” she asks, looking around the room at each of us.
“Yes, we rode the elevator up and Jax introduced himself to us then,” I respond, and then purposely proceed to eye fuck her in such a way that I see Jax’s grip tighten around her waist. It doesn’t matter that he’s here or not—the way Jenna looks tonight would have the same reaction out of me. I watch her swallow and shuffle on her feet, and I know she could feel the heat from my stare. I want Jenna and I will gladly let the whole world know my intentions for her.
“Yes, but I wasn’t expecting to be introduced to Mr. Harrington tonight. Better now than never!” Jax declares with the fakest of smiles. I would’ve preferred never, and I bet he feels the same way.
“That’s my fault for this surprise visit. We’re leaving tonight and I just wanted to say goodbye to Avery one more time,” my mother says as she steps forward. I look at her in surprise because she did not have to say that since it was my idea to visit in the first place.
“Leaving tonight?” Jenna looks at me for an explanation.
“My mother needs to get back to London and I have to be in Los Angeles this week for business. I’ll be back next Monday to discuss our future,” I tell her with a flirtatious smile, ignoring Jax when he clears his throat. Jenna’s eyes widen and she looks over at Robert, who has a shit-eating grin on his face.
“Will I ever get to see you again, Rose?” Avery asks and my heart aches when I see my daughter’s expression when she looks at my mother.
“I hope so, Avery. Maybe this summer?” I see Jenna tense at my mother’s words, and I slightly shake my head, my eyes telling her that my mother will not say anything out loud about our agreement of Avery spending summers in England.
“Oh Mommy, can we?” Avery asks with excitement and Jenna gives her a hesitant smile.
“We’ll see, Avery. Mommy has to go. Give me a hug and a kiss.” Jenna grabs her out of Jax’s arms and gives her a hug and a kiss. Avery starts to get upset at the idea of Jenna leaving and starts to beg her not to go. I take a step toward her, but Layla beats me to it and takes Avery from Jenna and starts playing with her as a distraction.
I watch Jenna hug everyone goodbye—even my mother—and I’m her last obstacle before she can reach the door. I quickly look up to see Jax saying goodbye to Robert and I make my move. I lean in and quickly kiss Jenna on the cheek before moving to her ear.
“You look beautiful,” I whisper gruffly, causing Jenna to shiver. She takes a step back from me and rewards me with a sexy glare that makes me chuckle. “I’ll call you when I’m back,” I tell her loud enough for Jax to hear, who is now at her side shooting daggers at me with his eyes. I thrust out my hand for him to shake, which he does and squeezes as hard as he can. If Jenna wasn’t around, he would probably try to break every bone in my hand.
“Good to meet you, Cal. I’ll see you when you get back,” Jax says with a slimy smile, and I pray to God I never see this bastard again.
I nod my head at them and will myself to not turn around and watch them walk out the door. I hear the door click behind me and know they are gone.
“Oooh wee, it was getting hot in here,” Robert jokes as he walks up next to me. I shoot him a warning look, which only makes him laugh. Robert feeling comfortable enough with me to joke around sparks a thought. I’m going to need help when it pertains to both Avery and Jenna and Robert’s the best man for that job.
“Robert, I think we should exchange numbers for emergency purposes.” I take my cell phone out of my pocket and raise an eyebrow at him when he just stares at me.
“O-okay,” he stammers and looks at Layla for help, who responds by shrugging her shoulders.
“You too, Layla,” I request of her and even though I know Layla won’t be as helpful as Robert, it’s still a good idea to have hers as well. I expect resistance, but she surprises me by giving it to me without hesitation.