Page 55 of Half of My Heart
It’s beenthe best two fucking months of my life.
It was hard leaving Jenna after the New York premiere knowing she was going to give me a chance. I was so worried she was going to get back into her head and let her fears take over while I was gone that I made every effort in showing her that even apart, she can still trust me and know that I think about her every minute of the day. Any free moment I got, I was calling or texting her. I had flowers delivered every day that I was gone.
“Cal, as much as I love flowers, I beg you to stop.” She laughed while we were on the phone the night before I was scheduled to arrive home. “They’re not necessary, you know. All I want is you,” she shyly told me. She couldn’t see it, but I had to place my hand over my chest where my rapidly beating heart was because I was so damn happy with her revelation.
“You have me, sweetheart,” I told her. “You and Avery are all I think about, all the time. I can’t wait to come home and show you how agonizing it is to be away from you.” And when I arrived home twenty-four hours later, I did exactly that by making slow, passionate love to her that left her useless the following day.
Jenna has opened up more about her fears and insecurities regarding us. Some of it is from dating a Hollywood actor, but most of it stems from her prick of an ex-husband—that I’ll grow bored with her, fall in love with one of my co-stars or I would prefer working over being with my family. While I reassured her I would never get bored of her or cheat on her and that my family will always be my number one priority, I fear my grueling work schedule is going to be the biggest test yet for us. She needs to be willing to pick up and go with me when I have international shoots and that’s something she’s never had to do before with anyone. I know I’ll survive it, but the question remains if Jenna is going to be willing to put the work in when it gets hard, and she doesn’t see me for weeks on end. In my eyes, she has no choice. She’s mine for eternity, but I also don’t want her miserably unhappy that she becomes bitter. I decided I can’t worry about what the future brings and that I need to focus on the present and shower her with unconditional love until she sees for herself that I’m hers.
I practically moved in with her and Avery the same week I arrived back home because staying in the hotel was pointless. I kept my suite to conduct meetings with Chase and use it as an office, especially since Jenna and Robert work out of her condo most days. I strategically started bringing things over with me every day, little by little. I didn’t want Jenna scared that we were moving too fast, because in my mind, we needed to play catch up, but she never said a word and made room for my things in her closet.
To our good fortune, there was no press about Sean and Jenna at the Los Angeles premiere, but now that Jenna is officially my girlfriend, there are still false stories and negative press about her. Robert still handles being the “anonymous source” and calls the press when something is inaccurate or he gives them a positive story about her and our relationship. I’m hopeful that things will calm down and we won’t be newsworthy for much longer. Jenna will always have people trying to take her photograph as long as she’s with me, but the number of paparazzi outside her building has started to dwindle.
As the weeks started flying by, our life as a family was falling into place and when I wasn’t working, I spent all my time with my girls. Jenna’s parents have had us over for dinner during my days off and it’s been nice getting to know them better. I love watching Avery interact with her grandparents and it makes me eager to take her and Jenna over to England to meet my whole family.
My movie finally wrapped last week and we took our first vacation as a family up to Wisconsin for a quick weekend getaway. I’ve never seen that part of the United States before and the more time I spend in the Northern Midwest, the more I love it. I know a house on Lake Michigan will be in our future.
Today I’m being a lazy bastard and working on my laptop in bed. Jenna should be home soon after taking Avery to school and was meeting Robert for a morning work appointment with a current client. I debate whether I should go workout when my cell phone starts to ring. Bridget is calling and I had forgotten that she texted me last night saying we needed to discuss business.
“Where’s your bloody shirt?” she asks as soon as I answer her FaceTime.
“Why do I need a shirt if I’m in bed?” I question her with a cocky grin.
“Look at you, you lazy twat who doesn’t need to work,” she jokes and I roll my eyes with an exasperated sigh.
“I just worked almost four months straight with numerous twelve to fourteen hour days. I think I deserve to lay in bed and do nothing. Besides, I was checking my emails when you called.”
“I’m assuming then that Jenna is not in bed with you, and we can discuss your upcoming schedule?”
“Unfortunately, she’s not and yes, we can discuss my schedule.”
“Brilliant, but do me a favor though? Put a shirt on. I’m your sister, after all, and I don’t need to see all of that.” She waves her finger around, pointing at my chest, and I laugh at her ridiculousness.
“You’re so demanding,” I tease and get out of bed to get a shirt. We make small talk about the family back home, her giving me an update on everyone first. We then transition into work and go through business emails together. She helps me decide what business engagements I should keep and what I can decline. The last topic of discussion is my upcoming movie that starts production in the next couple of months.
“We got the preliminary production schedule and they will start off in Dubai first, so we will need to get your travel arranged.”
“Dubai?” I question in disbelief, my stomach dropping at the thought of being so far from my girls. “But that’s halfway around the world.”
“Glad to see you know your geography.” She laughs at her own sarcasm but when she sees I’m not happy, her smile fades. “What’s the matter? I hear it’s lovely there. Hot, but beautiful.”
“How long are they predicting we’re there for?” I ask, ignoring her question.
“Two to four weeks minimum, but you know that can vary. Then you go back to Thailand for another two weeks.” She pauses and looks at me in concern when she sees my frown. “Won’t Jenna and Avery go with you?”
“Fuck,” I mutter, not happy at all with this schedule. “I don’t know. Jenna runs her own business and this is all so new for her…and for Avery.” I’m not sure how Jenna is going to handle this news and I’m predicting it’s not going to go well.
“We can try to make it a holiday for when they are there. Myself, Mum, and Dad can come and meet you guys in Dubai and keep them occupied while you work,” she offers and I nod, liking the idea but it won’t solve the problem of feeding into Jenna’s fears.
“Thanks for the offer. Let me talk with Jenna first before we make any plans.” I rake my hands through my hair in frustration. “I also need to talk with Philip. I can’t do these back-to-back movies any longer.”
“Your life has changed a lot since you signed those contracts, Cal,” she gently reminds me and I know she’s right, but I don’t need to be working so hard anymore. That’s what I’ve done for the last five years and it has paid off, but my priorities are shifted now with Jenna and Avery in my life.
“Yes, but the discussion needs to happen sooner rather than later.”