Page 59 of Half of My Heart
My blood runs cold and I look at Chase in disbelief. All this time it was him who leaked the original story and he never said a word? He played dumb when I told him I didn’t know who it was. “What?” I don’t even think of the consequences my actions are going to cause, and I punch him in the face for deceiving me. He stumbles back and covers his eye.
“You bastard, you never told me that!” I roar and lunge for him when I’m restrained by Robert.
“Cal, get in the cab!” Robert pushes me toward the taxi as the paparazzi have a field day with what’s transpiring. I know this is going to be all over the news within the hour, but I don’t fucking care anymore. My hand is throbbing from hitting Chase, and all I want is to get Jenna home.
We reach the cab, and Robert gets into the passenger seat while Layla pulls Jenna into the back of the cab. Chase is trying to talk to Jenna, but I slam the door in his face and flip him off as we drive away.
The cab is silent until Jenna starts laughing uncontrollably, the sound manic and not at all like her. Robert, Layla, and I look at each other, not understanding how she could find anything funny with what just happened.
“I can’t believe this is so funny to you,” I mutter, shaking my head in disbelief.
“Oh, c’mon now, the irony of the puppet master getting played by one of his puppets is very funny.” She looks at me with disdain and her words make the blood in my veins run cold.
“Cal, she doesn’t mean it, she’s upset and drunk,” Robert says, a pleading look on his face when I gaze at him.
“That’s right, traitor! I may be drunk and beyond hurt, but I’m not stupid. I’m done with all of you!” She slurs, slashing her hand through the air and almost hitting Layla in the face. “I’m also done with this smell. Whatisthat awful smell?” she asks, looking around the taxi for the source and all of our eyes land on the small box of pizza that is sitting in the driver’s lap.
“Oh god,” Jenna mutters and she starts to dry heave. “Sir, whatever you do, do not open that box!”
The taxicab driver looks at Jenna in his rearview mirror with a confused smile. “It’s my dinner. You should probably have a slice to help soak up that alcohol.”
“Please no! If you open that box, I’m going to throw up,” Jenna warns before burping.
“C’mon, it’s just pizza. Here, have a slice.” The driver opens the box with one hand, grabs a slice and starts handing it to Jenna. I watch her color rapidly change and I start screaming at him when she pukes all over herself and the pizza and then proceeds to slump over.
“Fuck,” I shout and the driver screams, almost side swiping another vehicle.
“My car!” he wails and immediately starts to roll down the windows.
Thank fuck Jenna’s building is ahead of us, and we can get out here because the smell is making all of us want to throw up. “See that opening over there?” I point to the garage door for the residents of Jenna’s building. “Go there instead of the front.”
He pulls in and Layla gets out to type in the garage code. As soon as the doors lift open, he pulls in and I guide him to Jenna’s floor. Robert navigates him up and we have him stop where Jenna’s car is.
Layla helps me maneuver Jenna out of the cab and I tell her and Robert to get her into the condo while I pay the cab driver. I give him five hundred dollars, asking him to keep this incident private. Robert must have texted Mason while we were driving back because he runs over to the cab with cleaning supplies and a trash bag.
“Go help out with Jenna. I’ll help him,” Mason tells me, and I jerk my chin up at him in acknowledgement. I thank the driver and sprint to Jenna’s condo.
Jenna can barely keep her eyes open, but we manage to get her clothes off her and I hold her up while Layla and I try to give her a quick shower. I swiftly get clothes on her and Layla tries to brush her teeth as best as Jenna allows her. Once she’s done, I carry Jenna to the bedroom and tuck her in. Layla leaves the bedroom, and I glance one more time at Jenna before exiting and closing the door behind me.
Exhausted and feeling defeated, I walk into the kitchen and pour myself a straight shot of whiskey. I down it in one gulp and pour myself another one.
“I figured out how Jenna found out,” Robert starts and I look at him in curiosity. “I called her earlier this afternoon needing a file off of my work computer because I needed to work on it at home, and I left my USB here. I asked her to email the file from my laptop. She must’ve seen something that peaked her interest to go snooping around and found the emails. I’m sorry, Cal,” he says with remorse and I just shake my head at him.
“None of this is your fault, Robert. I take full responsibility. I should’ve never kept it from her. I just wish she would’ve confronted me first instead of handling it the way she did.”
“She felt betrayed. I probably would’ve done the same thing,” Layla responds with a sigh. “I can stay the night to help out.” She offers and Robert nods, offering as well.
“Thanks, but we need to be alone.” I throw back the other shot, wincing as the liquid burns down my throat.
“She didn’t mean any of it, Cal,” Robert says, referring to Jenna breaking up with me.
“Oh, but I think she did,” I tell him with a sad smile. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to shower. Thank you both for your help.” I nod at them and walk back to the bedroom, knowing that they can show themselves out. I want to get out of these clothes, get cleaned up, and be alone to think about what I’m going to do about Jenna.