Page 29 of The Shame Game
Chapter Seven
Amanda resisted the urge to wiggle and wondered if this was all they were going to do.
It was nice, of course. She was warm and relaxed, lying on the couch with her head on James’ lap with his big hand sliding up and down her torso in smooth, firm strokes. He was petting her, and after she’d got past the momentarywhat the fuckmental reaction, she’d found she liked it. A lot. Honestly, if he kept it up, she’d probably fall asleep.
Which was fine. Really. It had been an exhausting week, and a nap sounded great. Except there was a butt plug in her butt—attached to a tail, for God’s sake—and she’d thought they were going todostuff. Kinky stuff. Not…eat lunch and lie on the couch.
She didn’t know anything about puppy play, or how people normally did it. When they’d first started exploring the world of kink, she’d filled out a yes/no/maybe list to gauge where her interests lay. James had done the same, and since they’d both marked pet play as a ‘no’, it had never come up.
She wanted to find her phone and google it, but while she didn’t know much about how this kind of play worked, she was fairly certain doing an internet search would not be considered acceptable puppy behavior.
James idly turned the page of his book, seemingly content to just sit there, and she stifled a sigh. She knew better, of course. Her husband had a devious and perverted mind, God love him, and she’d bet her retirement fund he had plans beyond snuggling and reading. But she was getting impatient, and she wasn’t sure how long she could keep being a good girl.
She thought of Sadie and stifled a giggle. Had she known what was in store for her today, she’d have picked Sadie’s brain on the best ways to get a Dom’s attention. Sadie was well known in their little circle for being a brat, and she reveled in her status. Amanda, on the other hand, could only really let the bad girl inside her loose if that was part of the role play, which was probably why their kink included a fair bit of it.
Then realization hit.That’s all this is, really.It was role play, pure and simple, and she was wasting it.
She thought for a minute, trying to figure the best way forward, then gave a mental shrug.Puppies like to play, right?So, she’d start there.
His arm was stretched out to stroke down her torso, his biceps and elbow almost directly above her face. Without giving herself time to think it through, she reached up with her two mittened hands—paws, she corrected herself,they’re paws—and batted at his arm.
He shook his arm lightly and said, “No”, his voice calm, almost absent, and flipped another page in his book.
Puppies don’t know what ‘no’ means, she reminded herself with a soundless giggle, and did it again.
“Mandy, no,” he said again, this time a bit more firmly. But there was a laugh lurking just under the words, and she knew he didn’t mean it. And if she was wrong, well, he’d have to punish her, and at least they’d be doingsomething.
She reached up again, and, remembering something she’d seen her dad’s various dogs do over the years, wrapped her paws around his arm and tried to pull it down.
He shook free easily and delivered a light slap to her belly in admonishment. “No, puppy. It’s not play time yet. Let me finish my book first.”
Play time?She managed to turn her giggle into an appropriately canine-sounding whine and wiggled a little. He’d stopped stroking, his palm heavy on her belly and his arm extended over her head. If he’dreallywanted her to stop, she reasoned, he’d have removed his arm altogether. She wiggled again, shifting so she was fully on her back, and reached up. This time she wrapped her paws around his arm, and, using it to pull herself up, opened her mouth and nipped at his elbow.
He jerked, she guessed more in surprise than in actual pain. She hadn’t bitten himthathard, but he slapped her belly again.
“Mandy, I said no,” he told her, his voice slightly harder now. But he put his book aside and looked down at her, an exasperated expression on his face that couldn’t quite hide the delight.
She growled low in her throat, surprising herself by adding an enthusiastic yip at the end, and tried to bite his arm again.
“Oh, you want to play?” he asked, delight in his voice. He covered her face with his free hand, gently pushing her away and ruffling her hair at the same time. “Is that it? Does Mandy want to play?”
She yipped again, the noise slipping from her throat easily, and tried to drag his arm down so she could pretend to gnaw on it.
He laughed and turned to rub both hands over her. “Oh, Mandy wants to wrestle, doesn’t she? Is that what she wants?”
She blinked in surprise. They often played games where she got to be bratty and sarcastic and defiant, but they never wrestled, or did anything where she was allowed to bite or scratch or try to best him physically. She never would, anyway. She was strong, and running kept her in reasonably good shape, but he was stronger, and his exercise of choice was martial arts. Unless he was sick or hurt, she wasn’t going to beat him in hand-to-hand. But now she’d get to try, and it soundedglorious.
She nodded, a series of excited yips and growls coming out of her mouth while she tried to hold on to his arm and bite him. Gently, because she didn’t want to hurt him, and because she didn’t want the playful tone of the moment to change.
So she used her teeth and her tongue as a puppy would, with nibbling little bites and soft licks, loving the way he laughed and shoved at her with his hands.
“All right, all right. Hold on a minute, Mandy. Mandy, stop.”
She froze, the steel in his voice penetrating her happy-puppy haze, and looked up at him.
He gave her head a scrubbing pat. “Good girl. Stay there while I move the table, all right? Can you stay?”