Page 43 of The Shame Game
“Yes,” she said, trembling with nerves. She did trust him, she reminded herself. That her trust felt as though it were being tested gave the scene an added edge and made her determined to prove to him that she did.
“Thank you,” he whispered, and bent to brush a gentle kiss on her mouth. “I trust you to use your safewords if you need to.”
She nodded slightly, knowing he meant it. It didn’t matter how many people were watching or what the stakes were, she knew it wouldn’t matter to him if she safeworded out of a scene. In fact, he’d be more upset if she didn’t, if concern for how it would make him look made her push past what she could endure. “I will, I promise.”
“All right.” He brushed a last kiss over her mouth, his tongue darting out to tease and tempt, then straightened and looked past her. “Are they all set?”
She turned her head to see Nick waiting on the other side of the table. “All set.”
“Let’s get the brakes off.”
There was a muffled thump from both sides of the table, almost simultaneous, the table shaking slightly with it, and she realized they’d unlocked the wheels. Her body tensed instinctively as it rolled slightly. Nick and James each grabbed the sides and began to push, and it picked up speed.
“James? Sir?”
“Hush.” He said it almost absently, but the way he was bent slightly to push the heavy table brought his face close to hers, and she could see that he meant it. “No talking unless you need to safeword.”
No talking?Oh, God.
Her fingertips curled on the edge of the table, clinging helplessly. Lights and faces flashed by as she was rolled through the room, snatches of conversation and speculative whispers reaching her ears as she was wheeled past. The sight of a naked woman strapped to a gynecological exam table wasn’t anything new for this crowd, but it appeared to be generating some buzz.
They hit a small bump on the concrete floor, jarring the table. It was no more than a little shake, and the straps held her securely, so she was in no danger of sliding off. But it jiggled her breasts and belly and thighs, and suddenly she remembered that she was completely naked, legs spread, everything out there for everyone to see.
It’s nothing new, she told herself, watching the lights flash by overhead.You’ve been naked in public plenty of times. Bent over spanking benches, tied to crosses or stakes, even tied spread eagle to a bed while your husband fucks you. This isn’t different.
Except it was.
She closed her eyes. Embarrassment washed over her, heat flooding her face, and she heard James chuckle.
“Already?” he murmured, and since she didn’t know what to say to that—and he’d told her not to speak—she didn’t answer.
There was a short jerk as the table was brought to a halt. Amanda kept her eyes tightly closed, hiding, but she couldn’t close her ears.
She heard Cade’s voice, raised slightly, asking if someone understood the rules. She thought he must be doing a scene with someone nearby, but the chorus of yeses came from at least a dozen people, and they were close. She heard James quietly tell Nick to lock the wheels, and knew that they’d reached whatever their destination was. She could hear the low murmur of voices, the words indistinct, but the excitement in them was almost palpable.
There was a soft touch on her cheek. “Open your eyes, Amanda,” James ordered softly, and she did.
There were lights. More than just the overhead fluorescents, shining down from the warehouse’s high, unfinished ceiling—she was surrounded by them. She squinted, trying to see past the glare. They were stand lights, she realized, the ones Cade brought in from his construction company from time to time if they needed extra lighting for a demo. They flanked her, a set on either side, shining brightly onto her bound body, and embarrassment flooded her anew.
James chuckled lightly, amusement and affection and, yes, lust in the sound. “Can’t hide from that,” he said, loud enough for his voice to carry, and a wave of laughter swept through the crowd.
Before she could react—though what could she do, tied to a table and ordered not to speak?—James pushed to his full height. “Well, let’s get started, shall we?”
He stood next to the table, still close enough for her to see, though he was far enough away to be blurry now. She’d forgotten her glasses again, and for the first time she was torn between annoyance and gratitude that she couldn’t see clearly. Whatever he had planned—and oh, he has plans—she wasn’t sure being able to see what was happening would help her.
“Can’t see, can you?” he chided, then he was slipping her glasses onto her nose. “You won’t be able to see much, but I want what you can see to be crystal clear.”
He smiled at her, warm and wicked, and pulled a pair of black nitrile gloves out of his pocket. He pulled them on with a snap that echoed in the cavernous warehouse, even over the continuous rumble of voices, and she jerked at the sound. His smile widened, and he glanced up. “Last light,” he said, and when she swiveled her head to see who he was talking to, she saw Nick dragging a stand lamp over.
It was tall, though not as tall as the construction lights, and it wasn’t until Nick set it down at the end of the table next to her left foot and switched it on that she realized what it was for.
“There we go,” James said cheerfully, and walked down to stand between her spread legs. She couldn’t quite see him, flat on her back as she was, but with her feet in the stirrups and her pussy on full display, she couldn’t imagine his gaze was anywhere else.
“That won’t do,” he said, disapproval clear in his voice, and she tensed, worried she’d done something wrong.
“Not you, Amanda,” he said, giving her inner thigh a reassuring pat. “I just need to make a slight adjustment to the stirrups. Be a good girl and hold still while I fix this.”
There was another little metallic thump and a slight jerk, then the stirrup was moving, swinging out, forcing her leg to follow. The muscles of her inner thigh burned, stretching under his hand as he pushed steadily, forcing her leg wide.