Page 46 of The Shame Game
He picked up the controls and stepped away so he wasn’t blocking the view, positioning himself next to the construction lights. He could see Amanda clearly, but she wouldn’t be able to make him out in the wash of light. He hit the switch.
The dildo slid soundlessly forward, gliding slow and smooth on its track, pushing past the tightly stretched opening with inexorable force. Amanda wiggled in the restraints, panting as she struggled to adjust to the slick, thick invasion. He thumbed the button to pause the program, leaving it lodged deep inside, and waited, watching her carefully. When she relaxed fractionally and the pinched look left her eyes, he thumbed the remote.
The dildo withdrew at the same easy pace, pulling back so the head was lodged just inside her opening again, then advanced. Back and forth, slow and steady, until it was sliding smoothly all the way in and out. The plump, swollen lips of her labia clung to the shaft when it moved, but she’d adjusted to the girth enough that it was no longer dragging at her flesh, and her face held no discomfort.
He clicked the remote and the dildo sped up. Within minutes Amanda went rigid, the cords on her neck standing out as she strained against the forehead strap. Her chest flushed a dark red, and she came with a deep groan, thighs shaking and hips jerking while the silicone cock continued its steady thrusting in and out.
He stopped the machine when she lay quiet once again. He gestured to Nick and got his friend’s subtle nod in return.
“Damn, she comes quick,” Nick said. His tone somehow managed to be admiring and sneering all at once. “Look at that pretty pink fuck hole.”
“She’s greedy as fuck,” Cade put in.
Murmurs of agreement came from the people who’d crowded around to watch the show. While Nick and James had been busy securing Amanda to the table, Cade had instructed those assembled on the rules of the scene, and they’d taken the ‘be as verbal as you like’ instruction to heart.
James glanced at Amanda, at the dying flush on her face as her eyes fluttered open. She was coming down, starting to tune into her surroundings again. He waited to see how the words would hit her.
Amanda’s head was spinning. Her body felt flushed and heavy, lethargy from the orgasm dragging at her limbs. If she’d had to keep herself upright, she thought she might’ve crumbled to the floor, so she was grateful for the table and stirrups doing the job for her. Sweat slicked her skin, her heart thundered so hard she could almost hear the beat, and incredibly, she was still almost unbearably aroused.
“…pink fuckhole,” she heard, and jerked at the words.
She couldn’t move her head, but she darted her gaze about, trying to see who’d said them. The voice was familiar, but she couldn’t focus, couldn’t concentrate enough to discern who it was.
“Greedy as fuck,” someone else said, and her belly tightened again in that top-of-the-rollercoaster feeling she recognized as shame.
Words began to filter through, coming from all around her.
Such a slut.
Spread wide open for everyone to see. Shameless!
She likes everyone watching, doesn’t she?
Oh yeah, she fucking loves it. On display for everyone to see.
She took that fat cock as easily as a finger. So greedy.
So wet I could hear the dildo squish.
The words hit her like blows, slaps that stung and humiliated and incredibly, aroused. She wiggled on the table, feeling like a fish on a skewer with the dildo still lodged just inside her. The friction made her gasp, blushing furiously as the crowd laughed, then she groaned again when the dildo began to thrust once more.
It was cool at first, and she dimly realized someone must have added fresh lube. Then she stopped thinking.
The dildo battered her swollen cunt as people continued to talk, words likeslutandshamelessandgreedy little fuck holewashing over her, adding to the shame in her mind and the lust in her belly.
It took longer this time, but when the dildo began moving in short, sharp jabs, she came again, her strangled cry mixing with the cheers of the crowd.
Through the cheers, she heard James laugh. “Again,” he said in his dark, wicked voice, and the dildo began its slow, steady thrusting once more.
And through it all, she heard the words.Slut. Shameless. Greedy, needy little fuckhole.They swirled through her mind, settled in her breasts and her cunt, adding weight and heat and the sharp sting of shame.
I can’t possibly come again, she thought over and over, and over and over her body proved her wrong.
She was fucking gorgeous. She’d come five times, the machine driving relentlessly into her, pushing her past what she’d believed her body to be capable of. He’d reapplied lube after each orgasm, but he wasn’t sure it was enough anymore. Her pussy was swollen, battered and bruised by the relentless pounding of the machine. She’d been on the table for over an hour, and he knew he’d have to call it soon. She was drenched in sweat, her hair plastered to her skull and her skin slippery with it. Nick had checked the straps holding her in place and murmured in James’ ear that they were sliding too much against her skin, and starting to chafe.
He would have to call it soon, but he wanted one more.
One more chance to hear her cry out with pleasure so intense it bordered on pain, one more chance to hear the crowd cheer as she did so. The murmurs around him had taken on an awe-filled quality, no longer sneering at the dirty slut, the shameless hussy, but admiring. Envying. He’d seen more than one submissive watching Amanda with yearning envy, and he suspected the next time the fucking machine made an appearance, there would be no lack of volunteers.