Page 101 of Romancing Summer
“Millie, if you remember, it was after a run that we started this crazy adventure together. And so, it seems fitting that I’d do this after a run.”
My hands literally shake as I fumble with my pocket, pulling out a tiny velvet box. I open it, revealing a three-stone diamond ring. I liked the meaning behind it when I selected it, even though it was probably thought up by some marketing company just to lasso in guys like me.
Three diamonds. One for our past, one for our present, and one for our future.
“I love you, Millie. I love the way I feel inside when I look at you, when I hear your voice, or even when I think of you. I love the way I fill with hope and excitement when I think of the life I want to build with you.”
I take in a breath for good luck and then feel the vulnerability of this moment, as I put it all on the line.
“Will you marry me?”
One single tear trickles down onto her cheek. And I think that’s a good sign. I think.
I hope.
And then she cups my face with her soft palms and says, “Yes!”
I slip that ring on her finger so quickly that she couldn’t possibly change her mind, even though I know in my heart she won’t.
I stand, and then let myself kiss her the way I want to every day for the rest of my life.
The crowd erupts in applause again.
And I remember my friend’s sage advice from last year, just before I had deployed—the words that had finally spurred me to tell this woman I hold in my arms that I love her.
Make your own ending, Mason had told me that day.
Done, my friend.
Rangers lead the way.