Page 41 of Romancing Christmas
“Your car’s ready?”
“No.I just have to call him before I lose my nerve.”
“I really don’t think—”
I hang up on her.I’m just not up to hearing her opinion on any of this because I know her presence in my life right now is only to serve as a reminder to me that this Navy officer is way more than I can handle.Though right now, I don’t need the reminder.
Before I can talk myself out of it, I tap on the phone icon next to his name and just as I want to hang up, I hear it ringing.
“So I’ve gotta know,” he answers before any standard greeting.“Are you really getting your oil changed this morning?”
I warm at the humor in his tone.This guy… he just does something wonderful to the insides of me, even if he must think I’m an idiot.
“I am.I’m not the type to use an excuse and not follow through on it.”I force my tone to stay light.
“I have to say, I love your honesty.”
Now I find myself sincerely laughing.“Oh, if I were being completely honest, I’d say that I’m here two thousand miles too early, according to the mechanic.I’m so sorry.”
“No need to apologize.I’m sorry if I did anything that made you so uncomfortable that you’d prefer getting your oil changed over spending another minute with me.”
I laugh.Aminutewith him?Hemustknow that I’d been considering spending theentire nightwith him when I invited him in.
“It wasn’t you.Really.I’m—not very good at the dating thing.And well, kind of out of practice.”
“Well, how about we do something more low-key next time?I make a great pizza over here, and I could really use some help decorating this tree.”
“You make pizza?”
“Like a pro.Just two steps in my recipe.Step one, pick up my phone.Step two, order pizza.”
I giggle.He actually wants to see me again?
I feel a little shiver overtake me, and it’s not from the cold.“That sounds great.When?”
“Well, seeing as my tree is in desperate need of help, tonight would be great if you don’t mind a Sunday night.Or if you have to wake up too early for work tomorrow, we could wait till next weekend.”
Next weekend?
And let an entire week of my kid-free span of time pass?Hell no.
“Tonight is fine.”