Page 62 of Romancing Christmas
The Adlers were raised the same way I was—with the knowledge that family isn’t always connected by blood.It’s bound by love, loyalty, and a special brand of unrelenting support.
I know Ava already feels that here.It made me smile to see how easily she opened up to them about Nicholas’s heart problems when the topic came up, or how she didn’t seem to mind the questions about her ex-husband.She knew instinctively that any interest they have in her is simply because they care.
Eventually, after much resistance, Freya lets us help her clear the dessert plates.
“We should probably head back to Annapolis,” I tell them, a little anxious to get Ava home early enough that we can enjoy the rest of the night together alone.
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay?We’ve got the room,” Freya offers.
“No.Thanks though.It’s not even an hour’s drive.”
Freya gives me a hug.“I’m so glad you brought Ava.She’s so much more interesting than you,” she says in that teasing tone she uses on me just like she does to the rest of the people here.Then she embraces Ava.“Call me anytime you and Nicholas want to get away to DC for a bit.We’ve got two extra rooms here, you know.And you could take him to see the sites in DC.We’d love to have you.”
“You are so kind,” Ava answers.“Thank you.I really might take you up on that one day.”
I move from one person to another, exchanging a combination of hugs and the customary guy handshake/shoulder-thumps that military guys like to do because God forbid we share too much affection, even at Christmas.
When Ava and I are back in my car, I tell her, “Well, youclearlygot the Adler family seal of approval.”
A slightly nervous giggle escapes her.“You don’t know how much I hoped you’d say that.I was—kind of anxious.”
“Why?”I ask, pulling into traffic just as light flurries fall onto my windshield.
She laughs for a moment.“You know, honestly, I can’t even remember why.It’s like they justblastedany insecurity out of me, and now I can’t recall why it was there in the first place.”
“Blastedsounds exactly like the right word with the Adlers.They kind of have a way of descending on a person like a bomb dropping.”
“Not quite the metaphor I would have used for them.”She shakes her head, almost looking bewildered, then takes my hand as it rests on my stick shift.
“What?”I ask.
“Thank you for inviting me.This was… the best Christmas I’ve had since…” Her voice trails.
“Since the divorce?”
“Yeah.Yeah, being alone on the holidays is kind of a bummer.I sometimes volunteer at that assisted living center on Route 2.You know—drop in on some of the people who don’t have any visitors on Christmas or Easter or Thanksgiving.”
I warm inside.That seems so like her to do that.“So you don’treallyspend the whole day drinking egg nog and eating mac and cheese?”I ask, reminding her of what she said earlier.
Her eyes widen.“There are about twelve hours of daylight in winter here.That would bewaytoo much egg nog.”She sighs thoughtfully.“But this time… it’s just nice to have plans that focus on me for a change, you know?”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed that you could use a dose of selfishness.”I frown as we merge into the rush of cars on Highway 50.“Have you ever thought about maybe alternating holidays with your ex?”
She gives her head a dismissive shake.“It’s really hard to pull off when Nicholas only has a certain number of days off for school.”
“What about summers?I mean, he’s got the whole summer off, right?Send him up there for a few weeks in exchange for a Christmas from time to time.”I wince suddenly, hearing myself.“I’m sorry.It’s totally not my business.”
“No, no.It’s okay.And truth is, I’ve thought about that sometimes.But I hate to… rock the boat, so to speak.Nicholas is so settled into the routine of it—holidays with his dad, I mean.And he’s been happy with that.”
I bite my tongue, literally, to shut myself up.
Iwantto point out that she’s essentially raising a son on her own, all because her douche of an ex couldn’t handle the stress that came with fatherhood.I want to say that from where I stand, she sure as hell deserves a holiday with her kid, and that maybe even Nicholas would like it for a change.
But it’s not my place.Even though I mightfeellike she and I have been together for a long time, it’s barely been a week since I first had dinner with her.
How is that even possible?How can I even care this much, this early in a relationship?
I think back to what Mason said to me earlier this week.