Page 25 of Perfect Guy
“The owners have requested a balcony in the master bedroom. Madelyn and I are looking at the possibilities. She’ll make adjustments to the plans once we decide how to move forward with it in our current design. Keep it in mind when we start the framework next week.” Oscar nods and dismisses us.
I walk over to Madelyn with a tentative smile. “Hey,” I say when I reach her. “A balcony, huh?” I’m not sure where to begin, and that’s a lame comment.
“Yeah, I think it’ll be possible. I need to work on the plans and look at them closely. Don’t want it to fall as soon as it’s built.” Her face is impassive.
“What happened last night?” I whisper.
She shakes her head, facing forward, so she doesn’t have to look at me. I step into her line of vision, forcing her attention on me. She rolls her eyes and stops midway. I can’t help the chuckle that escapes me, even when she glares at me.
“Sorry.” I bite down my laughter. “Don’t think you’re going to get away with the silent treatment. I’m too persistent and stubborn. We’ll talk later. I volunteer tomorrow, but…”
Someone calls me over, and I lift my hand without looking back.
“You need to go.”
“I can’t figure out what I did wrong.” We haven’t even started dating, and I’m already screwing up. This isn’t right.
“This isn’t a place to talk about it.” Her voice is tight.
“Tonight. I’m calling you after work. If you ignore my calls, I’ll show up at your place.”
Her eyes lift to mine, burning deep into me. Those baby blues are stunning, especially under the sun. I want to kiss her, but that’s a terrible idea. I’d be digging my grave if I did that in front of all the guys now.
“You look beautiful,” I whisper before walking toward my co-workers.
Madelyn remains where she is. I sneak glances her way every few minutes. She chews on the inside of her bottom lip, waiting for our break to be over. Once we get back to work, she’s next to Oscar at one of the folding tables we have set up. They’re looking at the plans. I’m counting down the minutes until I’m done with work and can talk to her alone. I plan on fixing whatever I did wrong and then getting her to agree to a date.