Page 55 of Perfect Guy
“Ready for burgers?” Wilder asks.
A collective yes rings around the back porch. Wilder heads to the grill to turn it on. Cole and Levi go into the house to grab the burgers and chips. Grady checks his phone and calls Jillybean.
“So he’s a good guy, huh?” Jase wraps his arm around my neck.
“He is. It’s new-ish, but I’ve known him most of my life, even if not the best of friends since he is older. I like him a lot.” I smile.
“I’m not concerned about your feelings toward him. I’m concerned about his intentions.”
I roll my eyes because if anyone is far from settling down, it’s Jase.
“I’ve learned to read people and be careful. I did go away for college, remember?” I lift my brows.
“Yes, I remember,” he chuckles. “And now you’re back here when all you’d talk about is living in a big city.” He stares into my eyes.
“Things change,” I shrug.
“Don’t think I’m going to believe you were homesick and wanted to return. Something happened. I’ve lived enough to know that when plans change so quickly, it’s for a reason. Are you okay?”
“I am,” I promise. “I’m happy being back and helping on the ranch. I’m working on a project, so there’s hope for future work as an architect. My plans changed, but I’ve overcome it.” I leave it at that, trusting Jase. He’s the last one to spread rumors or gossip.
“I’m glad.” He kisses the top of my head. “Let’s go get another beer and sit while they work.”
I laugh as we make our way to the cooler and do just that. It’s good to have him home for a few days. He’ll be back in a couple of weeks for Wilder’s wedding celebrations, and we’ll get more family time in then. I miss days like this where we’re all together, sharing about life, laughing, and teasing one another. These moments are rare, so I treasure them.
I slept in after spending last night with my family. Exhaustion took over, making my body heavy when I originally woke up at five. I closed my eyes and enjoyed a couple more hours of blissful sleep. Working on the ranch, I’ve had to be up early most of my life.
College was easy when it came to having the discipline to wake up. When my friends would complain about classes at eight in the morning, I had already been awake for a few hours.
I have coffee and breakfast with my parents before they leave for church. I walk out to the barn and smile at Dakota, who is peeking her head out of her stall.
“Hey, sweet girl,” I coo as I approach her. My boots clap against the cement floor in the barn. When I reach her, I run a hand down the length of her face, smiling.
“Do you wanna go for a ride?” Her head bobs as if she’s answering me. Her deep breath tickles my palm, and I giggle.
“You got it, girl.” I open the stall and guide her out of the barn, taking the saddle with me on the way.
Once we’re ready, I climb on and start slow. These are my favorite moments—a quiet morning, fresh air, and the light breeze dancing across my skin. I feel free and invincible in these lands. It’s my home, and I have a different appreciation for it now that I’m older.
Dakota moves at a slow gait, the rocking movement soothing me. I spot our cattle in a large, fenced-off field. They graze peacefully. Sometimes I envy their lifestyle, but then I remember their purpose is to be killed to feed us, and I feel sorry for them. I steer Dakota to the left, taking the path shrouded by trees. The branches block the morning sun, creating shadows on the ground.
I take a deep breath, a soft smile covering my face. I wonder if Canaan would like this. I know he likes the outdoors, but would he enjoy riding with me? I’d love to take him around here and show him my favorite spots on our land.
I reach a clearing and dismount, grabbing my phone from my back pocket. Wrapping my arm around Dakota, I snap a picture of us.
Madelyn: Thinking of you. Do you like riding?
I figure he’ll see it when he wakes up from his overnight shift at the fire station. He got home a couple of hours ago, so I’m sure he’s in the middle of a deep sleep. Instead of climbing back on Dakota, I hold the reins and walk alongside her. The rushing of the river hits my ears. I can’t ever come to this part of the ranch and not stop by the river. It’s a safe place for me.
Rocks rise above the water, interrupting the flow, guiding it through a different path. The dirt crunches under my boots and Dakota’s hooves. She neighs, and I guide her to the riverbank so she can drink. It’s a hot morning, sweat trickling down my neck. If I had come prepared, I would’ve brought a bathing suit and ridden to the part of the river that’s like a small beach. I can’t exactly skinny dip since the cabin guests use it as well.
Maybe next weekend.
I lean against a tree as Dakota drinks and explores. My phone vibrates, and I fish it out of my pocket. Seeing Canaan’s name on the screen, my brows pull together.
Canaan: I like riding *wink emoji* preferably a cowgirl
I laugh and shake my head. He’s something else.