Page 66 of Perfect Guy
Madelyn’swishhasbeen on my mind for a few days. I started putting together a plan as soon as I read she’d love to be on a tropical island with me. I may not be able to take her to one, but I can bring the tropics here. Almost.
I’m excited to see her reaction. I hope like hell she loves it. Her happiness is my priority. I want to be the reason she feels safe and cared for.
I finish setting up the backyard and smile at the way it looks. I’m not sure what they cook on islands, likely lots of fish, but I got some steaks at Sal’s Meats. Sal is Hallie’s uncle and my mom’s cousin, and he owns the butcher shop in town. Madelyn and her family sell their cattle to him, so we’ll be eating steaks from one of them.
I did request that Joy make something special. When I told her my idea, she clapped excitedly and said she knew exactly what to make for dessert.
Changing my clothes, I head out to the bakery to pick up dessert before grabbing Madelyn. She said she’d come over, but I wanted to give her the whole date experience.
“Hey, big bro,” Joy smiles. “I’ve got your order in the back. Give me a sec.”
“Hey, okay.” I check the time on my phone and send Madelyn a text letting her know I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.
“A coconut lime roll cake for two,” Joy winks.
“That looks good.” I take in the dessert in its box before she closes it up.
“It’s delicious. I made another one to sell by the slice, and I had to try it. Not going to lie; I wish I had come up with it earlier in the summer. It’s perfect for hotter temperatures.”
“You’ve still got some weeks to sell it.”
“Yeah, but you know the weather will change soon, even if it’s August. By the way, are you going to Wilder’s bachelor party on Saturday?” She pushes the box toward me on the counter.
“I can’t make it. I have my shift at the station. I had to choose between that or the weekend of their wedding.”
“That makes sense. It’s better to be at the wedding.” Joy rounds the counter and hugs me tightly.
“Have fun. I know she’s going to love this.”
“Thanks, sis. Love you.”
“Love you, too. Now go on so I can close up and head home to Brayden.” She waggles her eyebrows, and I groan.
I drop a twenty on the counter and leave before Joy can argue with me. She hates charging me, but I remind her this is her business, and she can’t give her family food for free. It costs her to make each dessert and pastry.
I smile when I pull up to Madelyn’s house. As I make my way to knock on the door, she comes out wearing a beautiful smile. My breath catches. She’s wearing a sundress, her feet in boots, but they are different than her daily boots. The leather is clean, and the design is more intricate. Her long hair flows around her, and her bright blue eyes shine.
She takes my breath away. My heart slams, wanting to do everything at once. Kiss her, hug her, touch her. It’s overwhelming. I don’t tire of her and think I never will. I’ll always look forward to seeing her.
“Hi.” She pauses in front of me, her smile widening.
“Hi.” I tilt my head, my own smile taking over my face. I comb my hand into the side of her hair and brush my lips with hers.
“Ready to go?” I ask when she sighs.
“Yeah. What’s this surprise you have planned?” Madelyn glances over at me.
“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore,” I say with a smirk, opening the door for her.
She makes a snorting sound and rolls her eyes. I grab her wrist before she can slide into my truck. She looks at me over her shoulder with a raised eyebrow.
“Remember what your eye-roll reminds me of.”
Her eyes widen slightly, and her lips part, air wooshing between them. Instead of stepping into the car, she turns and places her other hand on my chest.
“You’re too tempting for your own good. I know what that mouth can do and the words that come out of it, but I’m still curious about this surprise. Don’t try to distract me.”