Page 80 of Perfect Guy
She sits beside me with a muffin as well. I take a bite, enjoying the sweetness.
“This beats hospital food,” I say around a mouthful.
“I’m glad.” She smiles, reaching for my arm and squeezing.
“Hallie and Wilder decided to move the wedding to next month,” she announces. They were supposed to get married today, and I hate that they’re not doing that.
“They don’t have to do that,” I argue. I told Hallie not to change any of her plans because of me. She insisted it didn’t matter, that their wedding was small and everyone understood. Since they were hosting on the ranch, it’s not like they’ll lose money on a venue.
“It’s important for her that you’re there. She loves you, and she’d hate it if you missed it. I know Wilder would, too.”
I clench my fists, taking deep breaths. I don’t want to be a burden or the cause for them to change their plans. I count to ten and back down, willing myself not to snap at Madelyn. It’s not her fault. Be kind to her.
“They should celebrate as they want,” I finally say.
“And they will. With their entire family. That includes you.” Madelyn gives me a pointed look, daring me to argue.
I shake my head, stay quiet, and finish my muffin. It’s not worth getting riled up about it. It’s already done, so I can’t change it. I have a second muffin since I’m starving, and take the medicine the doctor prescribed.
When we finish eating, and Madelyn’s cleaned up the kitchen, she turns to me, leaning against the sink.
”Is it okay if I stay a bit?” I hate that she doubts herself.
“Yeah,” I nod. “Let’s sit on the couch.”
“Okay.” She smiles, and her eyes crinkle in the corners. She’s beautiful. I hope I can go back to being the man she needs.
She helps me settle on the sofa and sits next to me on the right. I turn on the television, though it might not be the best idea. The lights from the screen bother my eyes, but sitting in silence is driving me insane.
Madelyn places her hand on my shoulder. She’s careful around me, gentle with her touches and movements. I lean my head back and close my eyes. At some point, she turns off the TV. Her arm slides through my uninjured one, and she hugs it to her chest.
Her fingers trace circles over my skin, causing it to twitch. I let the sensation lull me until I’m half-asleep. Her warm lips land on my cheek before her hand cups it.
“I’ll do anything for you,” she whispers, likely thinking I’m not aware.
Hearing those words and feeling her caring touch makes me feel even more guilty for how I treated her when she first arrived.
I move my arm from her hold and wrap it around her, keeping her close.
“You’re awake?” she whispers.
“Kinda.” I keep my eyes closed.
There are so many things I want to tell her, but none of them come out. Once I do, it’ll be permanent between us, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to live up to them. My life has changed. The doctor said I should be recuperated in a few months. Maybe sooner. But regardless of that, I don’t know if I’ll ever be the same Canaan I was before, the man she was dating.
“Rest, babe. I’m here if you need anything.” Her words are quiet and distant as sleep takes over.
I jolt awake, my eyes snapping open. Something is pressed against me. I look and find Madelyn leaning against my body, her eyes scanning me.
“Hey…” Her brows pull together. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, what are you doing here?” I look around the living room.
“What do you mean? I came over for breakfast. I brought muffins, remember? After we ate, we sat on the couch, and you fell asleep.” She sits up straighter, her furrow deepening and a frown turning her lips down.
I scratch the side of my head, trying to recall breakfast, but I come up blank. I look at the worry on her face and lie.
“That’s right. I must still be half-asleep.” I scrub a hand down my face. My beard has grown out.