Page 96 of Perfect Guy
“We brought lunch from Wren’s Cafe.” My mom lifts the bag. “I figured you hadn’t eaten yet.”
“I haven’t, thanks.” I smile. “Want to go to the kitchen then?” I tilt my head in that direction.
“Sure,” she says.
My dad claps my shoulder as we walk to the kitchen. My steps are slow but sturdier. My mom’s already grabbing plates from the cupboard and setting the stack on the counter.
“Take a seat. I’ll set everything,” my mom commands.
I hate this feeling, but I need to learn to accept help. That’s what pushed Madelyn away. If I continue down that road, I’m going to end up alone for life. I really want to wake up to her beautiful face each morning and kiss her goodnight. If sitting and letting my mom set the counter for lunch is a step in that direction, then I won’t interfere.
We eat and catch up. My mom calls me daily, most days multiple times a day. She feels guilty she can’t stop by every day, but her job as a nurse at the hospital is demanding. So is my father’s job as a forest and conservation technician. I don’t hold it against them. They’re doing everything they need to for me.
“How come you’re both off this afternoon?” I look between them.
“It’s my day off,” my mom comments.
“And I took the afternoon off so we could come see you.”
“You didn’t have to.” I shake my head.
“I have more than enough days to take a few hours off. You’re more important,” he smiles.
“Thanks.” I go back to eating the meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Nothing beats the diner’s food. It’s comfort at its finest.
After lunch, my parents and I watch TV and talk some more. We discuss Hallie’s upcoming wedding. Hallie and Wilder had asked me if I’d be willing to do a reading at the wedding. Hallie wanted to include me somehow, and they have a small wedding party, only four people. It’s an honor, but after the accident, I’m nervous about it. I need to get over that and be there for my cousin. She’d do that for me.
After my parents leave, I head outside and sit on the back porch, getting some fresh air. I check my phone and smile when I have a message from Madelyn waiting for me.
Madelyn: You should’ve known that I’d be there for you no matter what, not out of guilt. You aren’t a nuisance or a burden
Canaan: Sorry my parents came by and just checking my phone now. I feel that way. I was terrified I wouldn’t be enough for you anymore
Madelyn: You’ve always been enough
Canaan: *kiss emoji* I’m going to rest for a bit
Madelyn: Okay
Tiredness takes over, and I scoot down on the chair and close my eyes. I haven’t been sleeping well for days, or maybe weeks. I just want one night where I can sleep through it, not waking up often, disoriented, or with a headache.
Canaan: That nap was longer than I planned
Madelyn: I’m glad you got rest
Canaan: Me too. I’ve been sleeping like shit
Canaan: I wish you were here
Madelyn: *heart emoji*
Canaan: I miss your smile and your laugh. I miss holding your hand and kissing you
Canaan: You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. All this time in front of me and I never saw you the way I should’ve
Canaan: I feel like I missed years of loving you
Madelyn: We’re still young