Page 98 of Perfect Guy
Being stuck at home is taking a toll on me. I dial Bill’s number and check in with him. I want to update him on what the doctor said earlier this week. My hope is that hearing periodic updates will keep me in his mind and not wanting to replace me.
“Hello? Canaan, how are you doing?” He answers cheerily.
“I’m good, and you?” I lean back on the armchair, one leg propped on the coffee table.
“Good, good. How’s the body healing?”
“Good, I saw the doc earlier this week, and he says things are right on track. I’m hoping to get the okay to go back to everyday life in a few weeks once my arm’s out of the cast. Not sure if I’ll need rehab yet.” It’s a possibility, and I don’t want to hold that from Bill.
“You’ll be back to new before you know it,” he reassures me.
I pray he’s right. My job needs someone who can concentrate and focus. My current state isn’t worth shit in construction. Working a saw with a muddled brain is a recipe for disaster.
“We’ve got a new project in the works in the coming months, so get better so you can work on that one. I think you’ll like it. I just finished a meeting with Madelyn and the homeowners.”
“Madelyn?” I lean back and scratch my bearded jaw. She didn’t mention a new job, did she?
“Yeah, the clients loved her work and wanted her to design their home. Smaller place than what she did for us the first time.”
“Wow, great.” I’m half-listening to him as I go through my memory and try to come up with this conversation. She could’ve told me when I was avoiding her, giving her the cold shoulder. I feel like a bigger dick. I didn’t even share in her excitement or congratulate her.
I hang up with Bill and call Joy.
“Hey, big bro. You okay?” Worry fills her voice.
“Yeah, good. I need a favor.”
“Hit me with it.” She whispers something, and the background quiets down.
“I want to send something to Madelyn. You think you can deliver it for me?”
“Of course.” Her voice is light. “About damn time.”
“I know. I just found out she got another project at the company. I didn’t know, or she told me, and I didn’t remember,” regret weighs me down.
“Cane… Don’t be too hard on yourself. What do you want?”
I think for a second before I smile wide. “Any chance you can make a coconut lime roll cake? Is that too much to ask on short notice?”
“Not at all. I’ve got all the ingredients since I’ve made it on occasion for the bakery. It’ll take me a couple of hours.” I hear movement through the speaker.
“That’s perfect. Thanks, sis.”
“Want me to write a message or something?”
So many things need to be said. “If you can… Proud of you.”
“Got it. I’ll text you when I’m getting ready to deliver it in case you want to call her or something.”
“You’re a lifesaver.” I feel good about this. It’ll remind Madelyn of better times and show that I’m invested.
I’m going to win her back again, proving to her that I care. It’s the little things. Madelyn isn’t about showy things. Instead, she cares about memories, daily things like a good morning text, conversations, and being present with her.
I’m so damn proud of her. I may have helped her get a job, but she’s holding it on her own, proving her worth. After what that scumbag professor did to her, this is exactly what she needs.
I’ve broken promises to protect her and care for her. Things we talked about flit through my mind, distant memories of conversations we’ve had.
I’m disappointed in myself, hating that I’ve caused her pain, caused her to doubt my love for her. I’m upset with myself for not having a better handle on my emotions. While I know that has a lot to do with things out of my control, I should be able to communicate with the woman I love.
No wonder she doubts me.