Page 112 of Empire of Ash
“Well, itistoo late. This guy was also selling pain meds to street thugs on the side and got stabbed to death for his efforts two years ago.”
Kristoff smiles.
“He’d be thankful to you, you know. Thomas, I mean. His initial reaction might not have been the best—”
“He’d have knocked the fuck out of me.”
Kristoff grins. “Oh, almost certainly. But, once he saw how you are, as I do now…” He shakes his head. “Thomas could see people clearly. He could see right through their shit. I have a feeling he’d look at this and see it for what it is.”
“And what is it, exactly?”
He smiles quietly.
“If you’re askingmethat, you’re a fucking idiot. Look in a mirror, Ransom. Or better, look at the woman you’ve married.”
He shrugs, leaning back as he knocks back the rest of his wine.
“Something tells me, it won’t be very hard to seeexactlywhat it is you have with her.”
Mercifully,considering the wine we’ve just put away, Kristoff has a driver waiting for him by the car out front. We say our goodbyes again, and I hug my old friend, thanking him again.
When the taillights of his car fade, I turn and head back into the manor for bed. Ella’s already asleep, but she stirs when I slide into bed next to her. She turns in my arms, naked, as I am. Her lips find mine and her legs straddle me. And I keep kissing her through her soft moans as she slides down onto my cock.
It’s pitch black in the room, and I can only just see her face from the low, thin moon outside. That’s where Kristoff was wrong. I don’t need a mirror, or to see her face clearly.
I know what I have.
I just need to wrap my head around what that actually means. For me. For her.
For us.