Page 155 of Empire of Ash
It doesn’t feel like a cruelty to give it to her anymore.
It feels like catharsis. It doesn’t have to be a talisman of pain and suffering and hate. It can be one that reminds her that life can be good. That she’s allowed to be happy.
And selfishly, it can be a reminder of us—of the word split in two and marred upon both of our bodies.
“Stay just like that.”
Back in the bedroom, I unlock the hidden compartment within the drawer of my bedside table. I pull out the black velvet box it’s been sitting in for seven years and bring it with me back into the dressing room.
“What aboutthis.”
I stop right behind her, my hand sliding around to her front, holding the box.
Ella frowns curiously, grinning as she takes it from me. Her eyes snap to mine in the reflection in front of us.
“What did you get me this for?”
“I didn’t.”
She frowns as she opens it slowly.
“Your father did.”
Her breath catches as her eyes drop to the silver word and little shoe charm on the chain, lying in the box in her hands.
She goes still. So do I, waiting to see if I’ve made an enormous overstep in giving this to her.
“My necklace.”
Her hands tremble. For a half-second, I think she’s going to drop it. Or fuckingthrow it. Instead, I watch as she lifts her other hand, dipping her fingers into the box to pick up the chain.
Her eyes raise to mine in the mirror, her head slowly shaking side to side.
“I… I thought this was lost.”
I shake my head.
“I was saving it for you. I was going to give it to you years ago—” I frown. “Ishouldhave given it to you years ago.”
I draw in a breath.
“I was worried it would bring you pain,” I murmur. “In fact, I’m still worried that—”
“Seeing this again doesn’t hurt, Noel,” she whispers in a choked, soft voice. “It makes me so happy I can’t even tell you.”
She turns abruptly, her eyes meeting mine as she stands up on her toes to kiss me. I groan, scooping her against me as she holds my cheek, crushing her lips to mine.
She’s grinning when she pulls away.
“Would you…?”
She turns back to the mirror as I lift the necklace out of the box and lay it against her chest. I clip the chain in the back and then step back to let my eyes sweep over her as she twirls for me.
“Stunning,” I growl quietly.
There’s a knock at the bedroom door. Kevin with the world’s shittiest timing, as ever.